The database update is required after the update; please make a backup before proceeding.
Create Really Fast-Loading Websites.
It’s now easier than ever to create websites that score 100 on PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix.
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BeBuilder is better than ever with 3x loading speed of the builder and 20x less builder data storage.
BeBuilder Blocks is now part of BeBuilder. Check it if you go for a classic look but want an extremely fast builder.
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Muffin Builder - Wrap - Inline CSS field * Added: Muffin Builder - Column - Preview - Table * Added: FAQ item - Style: Toggle * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Section header labels - Title & ID * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Element options - Switch fields default values * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Pre-completed items OFF - Tabs field * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Shortcode manager - Icon shortcode - Color field * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Settings - Time the cookie expires - Extended * Fixed: Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin - Item preview image width * Fixed: Theme Options - Option to disable digits animation in Counter [ Theme Options > Advanced > Options > Animate digits ] * Fixed: Theme Options - Translate - Duplicated "Tags" field removed * 5 Pre-built websites: Finance 2, Consultant, Estate 3, Renovate 4, Loans 4 * 5 Elementor pre-built websites: Steak 2, Wedding Planner, Band 4, Electric 2, City Hall - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/be.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-admin.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-helper.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/tabs/field_tabs.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Muffin Builder - Settings: Hover effects OFF - Add Section button always visible * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Add item in wrap smaller than or equal to 1/2 - Item size label * Fixed: Pricing item - Featured ON * Fixed: Slider plugin item - Layer Slider - Sliders list * Fixed: Under Construction page + Header Creative right - Right padding removed * Fixed: Muffin Builder 3 & Theme Options 3 - White Label * Fixed: PHP 8 - Theme Options - Dimensions field - Define default value as array * Improved: Theme Options - Sidebars - Field CSS class - Blocked by Adblock plugin * Updated: WPML 4.5 Compatibility - WPML config file - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-admin.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/dimensions/field_dimensions.php - muffin-options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.js - muffin-options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.js - muffin-options/options.php
* Added: Muffin Builder - Custom classes - Show separate classes as pills * Added: New Google Fonts - 1052 fonts available * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Hover Effects OFF - Placeholder item icons * Fixed: Theme Options - Logo - Height - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - includes/include-logo.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fonts.php
* Added: Muffin Builder - Option to disable hover effects For those who prefer our previous version of the builder we’ve added an option to display item bars fixed [ Muffin Builder > Settings > Hover effects ] * Added: Muffin Builder - Simple view - Item labels For those who prefer our previous version of the builder we’ve added item labels in Simple view [ Muffin Builder > Settings > Simple view ] * Added: Option to disable built-in HTML5 video player and use native browser player [ Theme Options > Global > Advanced > Theme functions > HTML5 player ] * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Back to top button restored * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Item preview - Image max-width * Fixed: Muffin Builder + Classic Editor plugin - Full-height editor - Unwanted scroll to top * Fixed: Image and Video items - HTML resize - Width and height attribute * Improved: Preformance - CSS files combined and minified Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 with more intuitive UI * Added: Instant access to Pre-Built sections * Added: Builder revisions with easy backup restoration * Added: Import & Export of content or single sections * Added: Text Editor with code highlighter and shortcode manager * Added: Improved section with tons of new features * Added: Useful icon select with quick search & Font Awesome 5 included * Added: Brand new look of Theme Options 3 Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Header sticky - Logo - Option to set auto width [ Theme Options > Global > Logo > Advanced > Sticky Logo | Width auto ] * Fixed: WPML - Image item - HTML resize - Width and height attribute * 2 Pre-built websites: Coworking, Hemp * 7 Elementor pre-built websites: Interactive 2, Car Rental 2, Tutor, Swimming Pool, App 6, Coworking, Hemp - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Updated: WooCommerce 5.2 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
* Added: Elementor widget - Flat box - Option to use image instead of icon * Fixed: Header: Stack - Removed unwanted border in sticky and on mobile * Fixed: WPML Media Translation - Image item - Image URL * 5 Pre-built websites: App 7, Grocery 2, AI, Baker 3, Pizza 5 * 7 Elementor pre-built websites: IT Service 3, Tailor 3, Restaurant 5, Club 3, Security 3, Baker 3, Pizza 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/elementor/class-mfn-elementor-widget-flat-box.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php
* 5 Pre-built websites: Agency 4, Corporation 2, Business 3, IT Service 5, Dietitian 3 * 8 Elementor pre-built websites: Handyman 2, Psychologist 2, Mall, Food Truck, Rally Driver, Hotel 5, IT Service 5, Dietitian 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: WordPress 5.7 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta 3 version * Fixed: Offer Slider Thumb - Thumbnail * Fixed: Header - Cart icon + Header Builder plugin * Improved: Grayscale image - Now uses CSS instead of JS * 6 Pre-built websites: Detailing 4, Mechanic 6, Store 2, Clothing 2, Internet 3, Webmaster 2 * 15 Elementor pre-built websites: Band 5, Cafe 3, Loans 3, Journey 2, Astrology, Wedding Services, Company 6, Pay 2, Copywriter 2, Wine 3, Restaurant 6, Product 5, Grocery, Internet 3, Webmaster 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js
* Added: WooCommerce 5.0 Compatibility - Tested with the RC1 version * Fixed: Breadcrumbs - Last item link - Link prefix i.e. www * Fixed: Portfolio style: Masonry Flat - Grid width * Fixed: Shop - List layout - Show secondary product image on hover * 6 Pre-built websites: Course 2, Personal Trainer 2, Records 2, CV 2, History, Cleaner 3 * 10 Elementor pre-built websites: Course, Medical Shop, Politics 2, Psychologist 3, Medical Shop 2, Lab 3, Craft Beer, Fire Brigade, History, Cleaner 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - js/plugins.js - woocommerce/content-product.php
* Fixed: Blog - Masonry style + Load more option - Force Isotope reload * Fixed: Sticky header - Logo - SVG logo width * 2 Pre-built websites: Barber 4, Funfair * 16 Elementor pre-built websites: Mining 2, Party 3, Massage 2, Training 2, ERP 2, Home 2, Barman 2, Artist 3, Developer 4, Data, Charity 3, Clinic 4, Model 3, Restaurant 7, Barber 4, Funfair - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js
* Fixed: Custom fonts + Custom button * Fixed: Slider item - Show image alt text as caption for lightbox image * 2 Pre-built websites: Industry 2, Farm 2 * 2 Elementor pre-built websites: Industry 2, Farm 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/preview/field_preview.js - muffin-options/fields/preview/field_preview.php - muffin-options/fonts.php
* Fixed: HTML select - Default WordPress arrow icon * Fixed: WordPress 5.6 - Parallax - Translate3d * Fixed: WordPress 5.6 - Retina logo - Height * Fixed: WordPress 5.6 + Elementor - Stretch section - Element width * Changed: Portfolio - Project link - Disable details - Omit related projects * 2 Pre-built websites: Print 4, Photography 3 * 10 Elementor pre-built websites: Event 5, Haidresser 3, Home 3, Bistro 4, Creative 4, Clinic 5, Computer Shop, Car Parts, Print 4, Photography 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/elementor/class-mfn-elementor-widget-portfolio.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - js/parallax/translate3d.js - js/scripts.js
* WordPress 5.6 Compatibility - Tested with the RC4 version * 2 Pre-built websites: Finance 4, Kindergarten 4 * 10 Elementor pre-built websites: Finance 3, Travel 2, Ski 2, Media 2, Handyman 3, Pest Control, Corporation 3, Spa 6, Finance 4, Kindergarten 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - assets/animations/animations.min.css - assets/animations/animations.min.js - assets/jplayer/jplayer.min.js - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js
* Added: New Google Fonts - 1017 fonts available * Added: Custom Layout - Header height * Fixed: Story box item - Hide image container if image is not selected * Fixed: Mobile - How it works item - Item without image * Removed: Custom Layout - Header Minimalist If you used Header Minimalist please adjust new Header height option after update * 2 Pre-built websites: Scooter Rental, Party 4 * 13 Elementor pre-built websites: Firm 2, IT Service 4, Optics, Agency 5, GSM Service 2, Aromatherapy, Festival 2, Leasing, Factory 3, Portfolio 2, Landing 3, Scooter Rental, Party 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/icons/both.png - functions/importer/images/icons/elementor-big.svg - functions/importer/images/icons/muffin-big.svg - functions/importer/images/icons/muffin.png - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-layout.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/fonts.php
* Added: WordPress 5.6 Compatibility - Tested with the RC3 version * Added: PHP 8 Compatibility - Tested with the RC3 version * Pre-built website: Portfolio 2, Landing 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/options.php
* Fixed: Google Fonts - URL parameter - display=swap * Fixed: Header Plain - Custom button - Action button height * Pre-built website: Wedding Band, Factory 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php
* Fixed: Theme Options - Sidebars & Post Type | Disable - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - muffin-options/options.php
* Added: Theme Options - Header height [ Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Header > Height ] * Added: Theme Options - Header height on mobile [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Header height ] * Added: Theme Options - Subheader padding on mobile [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Subheader padding ] * Added: Quick fact item - Heading & Title tag select (H1 - H6) * Removed: Theme Options - Header Minimalist If you used Header Minimalist please adjust new Header height option after update * Fixed: HTML Table in the Content - Table width * Fixed: Slider Revolution - Module general options - CSS/jQuery * Pre-built website: Corporation 3, Spa 6 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/fields/text/field_text.php - muffin-options/js/options.js - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: Muffin Builder - Decimal with coma instead of dots on some hosting * Pre-built website: Handyman 3, Pest Control - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-admin.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Pre-built website: Ski 2, Media 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Pre-built website: Car Parts, Travel 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Shop - Widget - Filter products by price - Slider handle size * Pre-built website: Leasing, Computer Shop - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Shop - Photoswipe lightbox - Control buttons * Fixed: Elementor Pro - Products widget - Product width * Improved: Open Graph description tag - If excerpt not set use page description * Pre-built website: Aromatherapy, Festival 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php - woocommerce/content-product.php
* Pre-built website: Agency 5, GSM Service 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Elementor Compatibility - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/plugins/elementor
* Added: Elementor Be widgets - WPML Compatibility * Fixed: Custom CSS & JS field + Disable syntax highlighting * Fixed: Custom buttons + Magnific Popup - Close button size * Pre-built website: IT Service 4, Optics - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - functions/admin/templates/changelog.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/plugins/elementor - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/js/options.js
* Added: Custom CSS & JS field - Syntax highlighter * Added: Footer - Full width layout * Added: Password protected post & page - Body class 'password-protected' * Fixed: Blog Slider item - Style: Flat - Navigation arrows * Fixed: Form - Input type submit - Font size * Fixed: Contact form - Response message position * Fixed: Pricing item - Button size * Fixed: Search results page - Browser title bar title * Fixed: Theme options - Radio image - 5th image position * Fixed: Ukrainian Translation - File name * Pre-built website: Finance 3, Firm 2 - changelog.html - footer.php - functions.php - header.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/templates/support.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - languages/ - languages/uk.po - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/radio_img/field_radio_img.php - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Custom buttons * Fixed: Blog - Single - Related posts - Minor PHP notice * Elementor pre-built website: CV 2 * Pre-built website: Clinic 5 Core theme files locations and names were changed. Please update the whole theme folder and empty cache.
* Fixed: Slider item & shortcode - Desktop mouse dragging * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Go to top button * Fixed: Blog style: Photo 2 - Image alignment * Pre-built website: Bistro 4, Creative 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types - js/scripts.js
* Added: WooCommerce 4.4 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta1 version * Fixed: Mobile - Shop - Cart - Coupon input and button * Elementor pre-built website: Records 2 * Pre-built website: Home 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - woocommerce/single-product/title.php
* Added: WordPress 5.5 Compatibility - Tested with the RC1 version * Fixed: Color picker - Alpha channel (transparency) - Bar position * Fixed: Contact form - Form border on form submit - Removed * Fixed: Header: Modern + Sticky header - Top bar right border * Fixed: Safari browser - Header: Modern - Top bar right border * Elementor pre-built website: Clothing 2 * Pre-built website: Hairdresser 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.js - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.php
* Fixed: Blog - Single - Header: Transparent + Minimalist * Elementor pre-built website: Store 2 * Pre-built website: Event 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Elementor pre-built website: Mechanic 6 * Pre-built website: Restaurant 7 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Portfolio - Single - WordPress Block Editor - Categories * Fixed: Blog - Single - Header: Transparent + Header: Intro * Fixed: Shop - Store notice - Bar position * Fixed: Elementor - Portfolio page - Extra content - Redundant margin * Improved: Install Plugins - Misleading 'type' column removed * Elementor pre-built website: Detailing 4 * Pre-built website: Model 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/admin/tgm/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-portfolio.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php
* Fixed: Elementor - Be Countdown - Date format * Elementor pre-built website: Personal Trainer 2 * Pre-built website: Charity 3, Clinic 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - screenshot.png - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/icons/new.svg - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/elementor/class-mfn-elementor-widget-countdown.php
* Added: Toolset plugin compatibility * Added: Portfolio - Single - WordPress Block Editor support * Added: Google Fonts - URL parameter "swap" according to new guidelines * Added: Header Builder plugin + One Page - Active on scroll * Fixed: Blog - Single - Header: Transparent + Minimalist - Header covering content * Fixed: Elementor - Muffin Popup shortcode * Elementor pre-built website: Business 3 * Pre-built website: Developer 4, Data - changelog.html - functions.php - index.php - single.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-portfolio.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-post.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/options.php
* Added: Pre-built websites - Built-in database reset tool * Elementor pre-built website: Corporation 2 * Pre-built website: Barman 2, Artist 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php
* Elementor pre-built website: Course 2 * Pre-built website: ERP 2, Home 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: New Google Fonts - 991 fonts available * Fixed: Counter inline shortcode - Unclosed HTML tag typo * Improved: Button shortcode - Onclick attribute - Removed for security reasons * Elementor pre-built website: Agency 4 * Pre-built website: Massage 2, Training 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/fonts.php
* Added: Muffin Builder item - Shop * Added: Elementor widget - Shop * Improved: Shop - Products - On sale product - Star hue depend on theme color * Fixed: Block editor - Gallery - Crop images * Fixed: Elementor - Counter widget - Style: horizontal * Elementor pre-built website: Grocery 2, AI * Pre-built website: Mining 2, Party 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/assets/images/items/shop.png - functions/builder/assets/builder.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-items.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/elementor/class-mfn-elementor-widget-counter.php - functions/plugins/elementor/class-mfn-elementor-widget-shop-slider.php - functions/plugins/elementor/class-mfn-elementor-widget-shop.php - functions/plugins/elementor/class-mfn-elementor.php
* Added: 3 Elementor widgets: Fancy divider, Feature list, Info box * Added: Blog item - Option to hide the excerpt * Fixed: Blog - Archives - Unwanted content of the first post * Fixed: Elementor - Slider widgets - Pagination dots - Centered * Elementor pre-built website: Loans 4, App 7 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/elementor - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - includes/content-post.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: 15 Elementor widgets: Accordion, Clients slider, FAQ, Gallery, Offer slider, Offer slider thumbs, Portfolio photo, Portfolio slider, Progress bars, Shop slider, Slider, Tabs, Testimonials, Testimonials list, Timeline * Fixed: Elementor - Duplicated lightbox instance * Fixed: Portfolio Photo item - Hover - Border radius * Fixed: Timeline item - Item width * Elementor pre-built website: Estate 3, Renovate 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/elementor - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js
* Added: Elementor Compatibility * Added: 35 Elementor widgets: Article box, Before after, Blockquote, Blog, Blog news, Blog slider, Blog teaser, Call to action, Chart, Clients, Code, Contact box, Countdown, Counter, Fancy heading, Feature box, Flat box, Halper, Hover box, Hover color, How it works, Icon box, List, Opening hours, Our team, Photo box, Portfolio, Portfolio grid, Pricing item, Promo box, Quick fact, Sliding box, Story box, Trailer box, Zoom box * Elementor pre-built website: Finance 2, Consultant - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/tgm/class-mfn-tgmpa.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/icons - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/images/plugins.png - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/elementor - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js
* Fixed: Install Plugins - WPBakery Page Builder - Update action * Pre-built website: Craft Beer 2, Fire Brigade - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php
* Added: Mobile - Main menu - Style: Classic - Clicking outside menu closes it * Fixed: One page - Sticky header - Style: White or Black - Active on scroll * Improved: Bundled plugins - Intrusive notices - Disabled if used as a bundled plugin * Pre-built website: Politics 2, Psychologist 3, Medical Shop 2, Lab 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/admin/templates/dashboard.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/builder/assets/builder.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Pre-built website: Course, Medical Shop - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Blog - Category, Tag & Author Page - Filters - Active * Added: Blog - Filters: Show Only ... - "All" button - Active * Added: Mobile - Footer - Text align - Default or center [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Footer | Text align ] * Fixed: Story Box item & shortcode - Content field - HTML link * Pre-built website: Product 5, Grocery - changelog.html - footer.php - functions.php - index.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Pre-built website: Wine 3, Restaurant 6 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: WordPress 5.4 - Muffin Builder - Edit item popup covered by sidebar on small screens - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.css
* Added: New Google Fonts - 986 fonts available * Pre-built website: Pay 2, Copywriter 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fonts.php
* Added: Blog - Single - Facebook Open Graph object * Pre-built website: Wedding Services, Company 6 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Static CSS - The static CSS file will be served instead of inline CSS. This file is generated minified whenever you save Theme Options. [ Theme Options > Advanced > Static CSS ] * Pre-built website: Journey 2, Astrology - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer-api.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Forms - Input, Select & Textarea - Border radius [ Theme Options > Colors > Forms > Border radius ] * Pre-built website: Cafe 3, Loans 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Pre-built website: Hotel 5, Band 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Sticky sidebar [ Theme Options > Sidebars > General > Sticky ] * Added: Header - Top Bar - Border bottom (optional) [ Theme Options > Colors > Header > Top Bar | border bottom ] * Added: Shortcode - Counter Inline [counter_inline value="500"] * Added: New Google Fonts - 977 fonts available * Fixed: Widget - Categories - Show post counts - Number position * Fixed: Mobile - Contact Form 7 - Submit Button * Pre-built website: Food Truck, Rally Driver - changelog.html - functions.php - sidebar.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Pre-built website: Psychologist 2, Mall - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: RTL - Feature box & Flat box item - Position & spacing * Pre-built website: Security 3, Handyman 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Muffin Builder - Section - Horizontal padding attribute Can be disabled in responsive [Theme Options > Responsive > Section | Horizontal padding] * Pre-built website: Restaurant 5, Club 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Updated: WooCommerce 3.9 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Pre-built website: IT Service 3, Tailor 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - woocommerce/notices/error.php - woocommerce/notices/notice.php - woocommerce/notices/success.php
* Added: Divider item & shortcode - Style: Dots & ZigZag - Color attribute * Pre-built website: Swimming Pool, App 6 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php
* Pre-built website: Car Rental 2, Tutor - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Muffin Builder - Change item size - Longpress support for fast resizing * Improved: Muffin Builder - Mfn_Builder_Front class - Visibility of properties and methods * Pre-built website: City Hall, Interactive 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Pre-built website: Band 4, Electric 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Social Icons - Nofollow link attribute (optional) [ Theme Options > Social > Link attributes ] * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Section - Empty HTML attributes removed * Fixed: Header Split - Secondary menu - Duplicated menu item IDs * Fixed: Slider plugin item - The same ID as a slider in the header * Fixed: Mobile - Shop - Cart - Remove product button position * Pre-built website: Steak 2, Wedding Planner - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/include-social.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Pre-built website: Dance School 2, Eco Food - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Bullet list with icons - Icon position * Fixed: HTML - Description list (dl dt dd) - First line border * Fixed: RTL - Shop - Single Product - Product images slider & Sale icon * Pre-built website: Eco 3, Fisher - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php
* Pre-built website: Language 3, Xmas 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Social Icons - Snapchat * Fixed: Hreflang Tag in Header - Blog & Portfolio - Category page link * Pre-built website: Kindergarten 3, Repair 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - fonts - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/include-social.php - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: Firefox - Browser default style for images with empty src attibute * Pre-built website: Horse 2, 3D Print - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/css/options.css
* Added: Chart item & shortcode - Color attribute for each of charts * Added: Breadcrumbs - Portfolio - Single - Category parents in the path * Pre-built website: Call Center 2, Party 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/admin/tgm/class-mfn-tgmpa.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js
* Added: Blog - Archives - Single post title - Tag select (h2 - h6) * Added: Blog item & shortcode - Single post title - Tag select (title_tag = "h2") * Updated: WPML Plugin - Config file - Official version provided by WPML Team * Pre-built website: Plumber 2, Spa 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: WordPress 5.3 Compatibility - Tested with the RC2 version * Added: Header Plain - Menu border color - Alpha * Fixed: Buttons - Style: Round + Full Width - Box sizing * Pre-built website: Driving 2, Blogger 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Blog item & shortcode - Style: Photo 2 (1 - 3 columns) * Pre-built website: Coach, Oculist 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php
* Updated: WooCommerce 3.8 [Beta 1] - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Pre-built website: Ice Cream 2, Halloween - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php
* Added: Divider item & shortcode - Line - Color attribute (color="") * Pre-built website: Car Wash 2, Paintball - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-page.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-portfolio.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-post.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Updated: Isotope - Filter & sort magical layouts - 3.0.6 * Updated: imagesLoaded - Detect when images have been loaded - 4.1.4 * Pre-built website: Transport 3, Insurance 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/plugins.js
* Added: New Google Fonts - 959 fonts available * Fixed: Buttons - Style: Round - Back to top: Sticky - Position * Fixed: Shop - Product shortcode - Pagination * Pre-built website: SEO 3, Lawyer 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fonts.php - woocommerce/loop/pagination.php
* Added: Blog style: Photo 2 (1 - 3 columns) * Pre-built website: Hosting 3, Spa 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/content-post.php - muffin-options/img/select/blog/photo2.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Buttons - Style: Round * Changed: Muffin Builder - Column Item - HTML tags changed (b -> strong, i -> em) * Pre-built website: Marathon, Video 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/img/select/button/round.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
* Added: Progress Bars item & shortcode - Color attribute (color="") * Pre-built website: Boxing, Taxi 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php
* Added: Trailer Box item & shortcode - Image orientation select * Pre-built website: Factory 2, Webinar - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php
* Added: Header Creative & Side Slide menu - Action Bar slogan & contact details [ Theme Options > Menu & Action Bar > Action Bar ] If you use Action Bar please set this option after update * Added: Header Creative & Side Slide menu - Social Menu Top [ Appearance > Menus > Manage Locations > Social Menu Top ] * Pre-built website: Print 3, Sea Journey - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/include-slogan.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: Safari browser - Muffin Builder - Image Gallery item * Fixed: RTL - Action Bar - Social Menu position * Fixed: RTL - Footer - Copyright area - Items position * Fixed: RTL - Mobile - Header: Minimal - Items position * Pre-built website: Biker 3, App 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - muffin-options/fields/upload_multi/field_upload_multi.js
* Pre-built website: Cleaner 2, Honey - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Share Box - Style: Simple - LinkedIn share URL * Updated: WooCommerce 3.7 [Beta 1] - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Pre-built website: Festival, eBook 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
* Fixed: Section - Background position: Center top repeat-y * Fixed: Revolution Slider plugin - Slider preview * Fixed: WooCommerce Memberships plugin - Muffin Builder * Pre-built website: Football 2, Garden 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Footer copyright area border color [ Theme Options > Colors > Footer > Copyright border ] * Fixed: Pre-built websites - Revolution Slider demo import * Removed: Share & Social - Google+ - Service was shut down for consumers * Pre-built website: Cottage, Architect 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/include-social.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: RTL - Sliding Top - Icon position * Improved: Blog & Portfolio - Escaping Output to prevent unwanted results * Pre-built website: Catering 2, Company 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/header-sliding-area.php
* Added: Image item - Smooth scroll when link to ID (add class: scroll) * Fixed: Portfolio - Related - Order by & Order - The same as on the Portfolio page * Fixed: Header Builder plugin - Remove theme header background image * Pre-built website: Photography 2, DJ 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/assets/builder.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php
* Added: Icon shortcode - Color attribute (color="") * Fixed: Header Builder plugin + One Page - Hash smooth navigation * Improved: Theme Registration and Updates - Secure connection via https only * Pre-built website: Bar 3, Code 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/admin/class-mfn-api.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js
* Added: Muffin Icons - Medium * Updated: Google Fonts list - 916 fonts available * Pre-built website: Event 4, Dentist 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - fonts - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.php - muffin-options/fonts.php
* Fixed: Slider item - Removed redundant image shadow * Pre-built website: Design 3, Sitter 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Shop - Single Product - Rating click - Scroll to reviews tab and open it * Fixed: Blog - Filters - Filter by author - Show users with 'contributor' role * Improved: Forms - Input & Textarea - Slightly increased font size and font size * Pre-built website: Psychologist, Photo 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/admin/class-mfn-api.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js
* Added: Icon Bar shortcode - Social style for Instagram color [icon_bar icon="icon-instagram" social="instagram"] * Fixed: Pre-built websites - MailChimp plugin - Add plugin link * Pre-built website: Gym 3, Hotel 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Theme Options - Remove shadows - HTML table * Fixed: WPBakery Page Builder + One Page - Active on Scroll * Pre-built website: Lab 2, Yoga 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: WPML Plugin - Config file - Post options set to: translate * Pre-built website: Mechanic 5, Pizza 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Blog - Single - Related posts - Post image - Images only * Fixed: Get in touch, Infobox, Opening hours + Equal Height of items in wrap * Fixed: Timeline item - Links allowed in Title field * Fixed: Mobile - Telephone numbers - Disable auto-formatting * Fixed: Shop - Orders page - Search orders * Pre-built website: Barber 3, Medic 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/content-single.php
* Added: Lightbox - YouTube nocookie [ link format: ] * Added: Lightbox - YouTube - Short link [ link format: ] * Pre-built website: Transport 2, IT Service 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js
* Improved: JavaScript - Some inline scripts removed * Updated: WPML Plugin - Config file - Official version provided by WPML Team * Pre-built website: Yacht, Mechanic 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/validation/color/validation_color.php - muffin-options/options.php
* Added: Social Icons - Custom Social Icon - Title attribute [ Theme Options > Social > General > Custom | title ] * Fixed: Custom Post type related item - Category select * Fixed: Blog Slider item - Style: Flat - Undesirable small arrow * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Templates - Image Gallery item - Editing after import * Pre-built website: Baker 2, Safari 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-admin.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-ajax.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-front.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-helper.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-styles.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/include-social.php - muffin-options/fields/upload/field_upload.js - muffin-options/fields/upload_multi/field_upload_multi.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: Yoast SEO plugin - Title Separator: "|" - Share Box * Improved: Muffin Builder - Reduced number of database queries * Updated: WooCommerce 3.6 [RC1] - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Pre-built website: Mountain Guide, Hairdresser 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-admin.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-fields.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-helper.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-page.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-portfolio.php - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-post.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-product.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php
* Improved: Muffin Builder - Code improvement and class/file names adjustment * Pre-built website: Event 3, Extreme 2 Core theme files locations and names were changed. Please update the whole theme folder.
* Fixed: Equal Height of Items in wrap - Hover Color item - Box size * Improved: Muffin Builder - Code improvement and class/file names adjustment * Pre-built website: Resort 2, Product 4 Core theme files locations and names were changed. Please update the whole theme folder.
* Added: Search results page - Sidebar position [ Theme Options > Sidebars > Search Page > Layout ] * Fixed: Style Simple + Dark - Chart item - Label & Icon color * Fixed: Safari - Footer style: Sliding + Remove shadows - Footer visibility * Improved: Dynamic theme styles added via wp_add_inline_style() according to new requirements * Removed: Retina.js addon - Incompatible with recent WP version, please use plugin instead * Pre-built website: Dance School, Bistro 3 - changelog.html - footer.php - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - js/plugins.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: Portfolio - Single - Muffin Builder disappeared after last update - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/post-types/class-mfn-post-type-portfolio.php
* Fixed: Retina.js * Improved: Post Types - Offer, Portfolio, Slide, Testimonial - Code improvement and class/file names adjustment * Improved: Layouts & Templates - Code improvement and class/file names adjustment * Deprecated: Function mfn_opts_show(), please use echo mfn_opts_get() with escaping * Pre-built website: Polyglot, Science Centre Core theme files locations and names were changed. Please update the whole theme folder.
* Fixed: Shop page - Sidebar position when no layout selected on Shop page * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Edit Popup - Builder position * Pre-built website: Carpenter 4, Interior 5 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: Muffin Builder - Edit Popup - Unwanted parent scrollbar * Fixed: Google Fonts - Multiple fonts with subset * Improved: Post Type - Clients - Code improvement and class/file names adjustment * Improved: Widgets - Code improvement and class/file names adjustment * Pre-built website: Club 2, Company 4 Core theme files locations and names were changed. Please update the whole theme folder.
* Added: Theme support for WordPress core features - Logo Above features are used only if corresponding Theme Options fields are left blank * Improved: Sidebar - Show sidebar area only if there are any widgets inside * Improved: Google Fonts - Load all selected fonts via single HTTP request * Updated: Translation Files - New translation strings * Pre-built website: Whiskey, Adventure 2 Too many theme files were changed (54). Please update the whole theme folder.
* Fixed: Mobile Header Minimal: Menu Left + Side Slide Menu - Width different than default [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header ] * Fixed: Our Team & Our Team List items - Some basic HTML tags allowed * Pre-built website: Organic, Product 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - sidebar.php - style.css - style.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php
* Added: Image Item - Option to disable all hover effects [ Theme Options > Global > Advanced > Hover Effects ] * Fixed: Admin panel - Main menu - Submenu visibility * Fixed: Theme Options - First tab opened on fresh theme installation * Pre-built website: Architect 4, Moving 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/assets/dashboard.css - functions/admin/templates/dashboard.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: WordPress 5.1 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta 2 version * Added: New Google Fonts - 915 fonts available * Added: Button item & shortcode - Some basic HTML tags allowed * Fixed: Action Bar - Slogan - Links allowed * Fixed: Blog - Filters: Tags - jQuery filtering * Fixed: Sticky Header - Style: White * Deprecated: Some theme PHP constants are deprecated and will be removed soon (THEME_DIR, THEME_URI, THEME_NAME, THEME_VERSION, LIBS_DIR, LIBS_URI) Please check if you use these constants in your Child Theme * Pre-built website: Tea 3, Electronics Too many theme files were changed (62). Please update the whole theme folder.
* Fixed: Action Bar - Slogan - Some basic HTML tags allowed * Fixed: Header - Action Button - Some basic HTML tags allowed * Fixed: Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO - Do not strip some tags (a, H1-H6, img) * Improved: Minor code cleanup according to new Themeforest Requirements * Pre-built website: Coaching 2, Hosting 2 Too many theme files were changed (63). Please update the whole theme folder.
* Improved: Dynamic CSS Styles - Escaping Output to prevent unwanted results * Fixed: Minor code cleanup in many theme files * Pre-built website: Healthy, Product 2 - 404.php - bbpress.php - changelog.html - footer.php - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - index.php - search.php - searchform.php - sidebar-taxonomy.php - single-download.php - single-portfolio.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - template-portfolio.php - css/layout.css - functions/admin/templates/parts/mini-status.php - functions/admin/templates/dashboard.php - functions/admin/templates/status.php - functions/admin/templates/support.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-status.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer-api.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/include-logo.php - includes/include-wpml.php - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/fields/upload_multi/field_upload_multi.php - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - tribe-events/default-template.php - vc_templates/vc_accordion.php - vc_templates/vc_accordion_tab.php - vc_templates/vc_tabs.php - vc_templates/vc_toggle.php - woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php - woocommerce/content-product.php
* Fixed: Posts & Portfolio - Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO, Import/Export, Templates * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Comments - Reply: Cancel reply - Font size * Fixed: Theme Options - Blog, Portfolio & Shop - Featured Image - Typo * Fixed: JS scripts - Custom variables are passed using wp_localize_script() * Pre-built website: Biker 2, Diet 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/parallax/translate3d.js - js/menu.js - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options-rtl.css - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/*/field_*.php
* Fixed: WordPress 5.0 - Custom Font uploader * Fixed: Minor code cleanup * Pre-built website: Carpenter 3, App 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/fields - muffin-options/js/options.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Improved: Muffin Builder: Builder to SEO, Import/Export, Templates Tools now work with Wordpress 5.0 without reloading the page * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Unique ID - openssl_random_pseudo_bytes fallback * Fixed: Firefox - Overlay Menu - Browser back button - Menu visibility * Fixed: WooCommerce - Widget: Cart - View Cart button - Translation * Pre-built website: Manicure 2, Video 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/class-mfn-builder-ajax.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-client.php - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/meta-offer.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/meta-slide.php - functions/meta-template.php - functions/meta-testimonial.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/checkbox_pseudo/field_checkbox_pseudo.js - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.js - muffin-options/fields/tabs/field_tabs.js - muffin-options/fields/upload/field_upload.js - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
* Fixed: Muffin Builder - Minor code cleanup * Improved: Muffin Builder - Reduced amount of data on save * Pre-built website: Wedding Photos, Pet - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fields/checkbox_pseudo/field_checkbox_pseudo.php - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.php
* Added: WordPress 5.0 - Gallery block - Lightbox * Fixed: Tabs shortcode - Other shortcodes in tab content * Fixed: Hreflang Tag in Header - Link to page * Improved: Muffin Builder items & shortcodes - Escaping Output * Pre-built website: Catering, Restaurant 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/include-logo.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: WordPress 5.0 Compatibility - Muffin Builder - Import & Templates * Pre-built website: Logistics 2, Aeroclub - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fields/visual/field_visual.php
* Fixed: Default button - Light icon color for dark button background * Fixed: Shop Slider item - Title area height * Fixed: Retina.js - Retina logo field enabled even if Retina.js enabled * Pre-built website: Kids, Cosmetics 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/include-logo.php
* Fixed: Muffin Builder - Broken layout after item edit - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: WordPress 5.0 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta 3 version * Fixed: HTML tags - Big, small - Font size * Fixed: Transparent Top Bar with menu - Top bar right - Box shadow * Fixed: Theme Options - Translate - Blog & Portfolio - Typo * Pre-built website: Beauty 4, ASG 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/visual/field_visual.js - muffin-options/fields/visual/field_visual.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Layouts - Sticky Header style - The same as Top Bar Left background * Fixed: Call to action item - Icon alignment * Updated: WooCommerce 3.5.1 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Pre-built website: Wedding Dresses, Model 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php
* Fixed: Hreflang Tag in Header - Uppercase country code * Fixed: Image Frame - Style: Overlay - Image cut at the bottom * Pre-built website: Band 3, Spa 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php
* Fixed: Visual Composer - Frontend Editor - Tabs shortcode * Improved: Russian & Ukrainian Translation * Pre-built website: Renovate 3, Gun Range - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - languages
* Added: Responsive - Decrease Fonts - Affects letter spacing [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Decrease Fonts ] * Improved: CSS - Most of images replaced with CSS * Pre-built website: Cakes, Tailor 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: WooCommerce 3.5 compatibility - Tested with the RC1 version * Fixed: Header Plain & Transparent: Top Bar - Background image * Updated: Header Transparent - Menu: Style - Compatibility fix * Removed: Nice Scroll & Smooth Scroll - Obsolete scroll plugins * Pre-built website: Agency 3, Car 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php
* Fixed: Map Basic - Iframe - Map centered in the column * Fixed: iOS - Muffin Builder - Tabs item - Edit * Pre-built website: School 2, Coffee 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/tabs/field_tabs.js
* Added: WooCommerce 3.5 compatibility - Tested with the Beta 1 version * Added: Muffin Header Builder compatibility (beta version is coming soon) * Fixed: Theme Options - Typos * Pre-built website: Internet 2, Burger 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/admin/tgm/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/upload/field_upload.js - muffin-options/fields/upload/field_upload.php - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php - woocommerce/notices/error.php - woocommerce/notices/notice.php - woocommerce/notices/success.php
* Pre-built website: Clinic 3, Restaurant 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Added: Widget: Muffin Recent Comments - Missing translation tag [ Translate > Blog & Portfolio > Commented on ] * Added: Muffin Icons - Houzz * Pre-built website: Estate 2, Drone - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - fonts - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/widget-recent-comments.php - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Fixed: Layout: Full width - Wrapper - box-shadow removed * Fixed: Pre-built websites - Default website - Image URL * Pre-built website: Football, Builder 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php
* Fixed: WooCommerce 3.4 - Single Product - Gallery Thumbnails * Improved: Pre-built websites - SSL support * Pre-built website: Beauty 3, Insurance 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php
* Fixed: WPML - Language name added as a parameter + Search form * Pre-built website: Recipes 2, Interior 4 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php
* Fixed: Muffin Menu widget - Submenus: Show on hover, always show active * Pre-built website: Lawyer 4, ERP - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: Dark - Call to action - Title color * Fixed: WPBakery Page Builder - Activation Notice - Disable if used as a bundled plugin * Fixed: Plugin: Slider Pro - Image size * Deprecated: Nice Scroll & Smooth Scroll - Obsolete scroll plugins Default scroll offers the best scroll experience in modern browsers [ Theme Options > Addons & Plugins > Addons > Scroll ] * Pre-built website: Interior 3, Movie 2 - changelog.html - footer.php - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/parallax/smoothscroll.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Pre-built website: Vet 2, Navigation - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php
* Fixed: WPBakery Page Builder - Counter item - Style: Horizontal * Pre-built website: Creative 3, Minimal 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Mobile - Header Split + Mobile Header Minimal - Logo align * Fixed: Shop - Widget: Product Search - Form width * Pre-built website: Company 3, County - changelog.html - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Muffin Builder & Events Calendar Pro - Minor JS error * Fixed: Before After item - Width on ultrawide screens * Fixed: Button style: Stroke - Back to top button - Border color * Pre-built website: Product, Band 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Header Plain - Menu: Hide Border between Items - Affects all header borders [ Theme Options > Menu & Action Bar > Menu > Options: Hide Border between Items ] * Fixed: Portfolio - jQuery filtering + Disable details - Lightbox gallery - Current category * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Wrap - Background position: Parallax * Fixed: Dark - FAQ item - Border & icon color * Pre-built website: Landing 2, Crypto Currency - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Feature List item - HTML special characters in inner shortcode title * Fixed: WPML - Attachment attributes * Fixed: Chrome - Section - Background position: Parallax & Fixed * Fixed: IE 11 - Feature Box item * Pre-built website: Sportsman, Supplier - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Map BasGallery widget - Image sizeic item - Blank space below map * Fixed: Gallery widget - Image size * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Section with multiple Wraps & Dividers - Wrap background image * Pre-built website: Kindergarten 2, Barman - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fields/upload/field_upload.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Map Basic Item - Iframe Google Map (does not require Google Maps API key), Embed Google Map (show map by address or place name without precise coordinates) * Pre-built website: Gym 2, Coffee 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/images/items/map.png - functions/builder/images/items/map_basic.png - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Muffin Builder - Add Section as the first or the last section * Fixed: Comments Form - Cookies acceptance checkbox - Display inline * Pre-built website: Garden 3, Eco 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/images/logo.png - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/img/logo.png We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Header Top Bar - Background position * Pre-built website: Church 2, Fantasy - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Pre-built website: Security 2, Funeral Home - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Header Top Bar & Header Creative - Background image [ Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Header > Top Bar background ] * Improved: Custom Fonts - Only one font file is required now (.woff or .ttf) [ Theme Options > Fonts > Custom ] * Pre-built website: Repair 2, Event 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/fields/font_select/field_font_select.php - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: WooCommerce 3.4 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta 2 version * Fixed: Blog, Portfolio & Shop - Single - Navigation arrows & Share box: Hide * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Add to cart button - Height * Improved: Image Item - Title attribute from image meta * Pre-built website: Company 2, Thriller - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/woocommerce.css - css/layout.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - woocommerce/single-product/add-to-cart/external.php - woocommerce/archive-product.php - woocommerce/content-product.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Text selection color [ Theme Options > Colors > Content > Selection | color ] * Added: Slider item - Link Target - Lightbox [ Slides > Edit > Slide Options > Target ] * Fixed: Gallery item in Content & Widget - Number of columns * Fixed: Section Style: Full Width & Slider item - Style: Center Mode & Navigation: Hide arrows * Fixed: Side Slide Menu - Action Button covered by first menu item * Fixed: RTL - Shop - Single Product - Style: Modern * Pre-built website: Architect 3, Simple 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style-colors.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-slide.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Post Classes - Show author class only if filter by author is enabled * Fixed: Dark - Icon Bar inside List Item - Icon color * Fixed: Header Creative - Transparent - Navigation: Sticky Arrows * Fixed: Responsive - Side Slide Menu - Revolution Slider width on menu close * Fixed: BeTheme Dashboard - Install Plugins - Bulk Install - Minor PHP Warning * Pre-built website: Accountant, Adventure - changelog.html - functions.php - index.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/admin/tgm/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - includes/content-post.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Header Creative - Transparent [ Theme Options > Global > General > Transparent: Top Bar with Menu ] Please set the page packground image if you want to use this option [ Theme Options > Global > General > Background > Image ] * Fixed: Header Plain - Sticky Header - Action Button - Height * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile Header: Transparent - Action Button - Color * Improved: Theme Options - Significantly reduced memory usage * Pre-built website: Tea 2, Universe - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fields - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Tabs Item - Protection against adding a tab shortcode inside another tab * Pre-built website: Mechanic 3, Hairdresser - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Theme Options - Colors - Action Button [ Theme Options > Colors > Header > Action Button ] If you use Action Button please adjust colors after update * Fixed: Header Plain + Mobile Minimal Header - Layout: Logo center * Fixed: Style: Simple - Blog & Portfolio - Filters - Align * Fixed: Share Box - Style: Simple - Twitter share URL * Pre-built website: Fitness 2, Actor - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: RTL - Mobile - Header: Minimal + Menu Left + Menu: Side Slide * Pre-built website: Dietitian 2, Clothing - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Filters - Content height * Fixed: Responsive - Shop - Single Product - Product Thumbnails * Fixed: Contact Form 7 - Submit Button - Font size * Pre-built website: Bar 2, Resort - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Header Magazine - Banner - z-index * Updated: Pre-built websites - WordPress Importer - Updated to version 0.6.4 * Pre-built website: Accountant 2, Museum 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/importer/parsers.php - functions/importer/wordpress-importer.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Section, Wrap, Column - Background Color - Alpha channel (transparency) * Pre-built website: Farm, Decor 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.js - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.php - muffin-options/validation/color/validation_color.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Theme Options - Colors - Back to Top button - Affects Popup Contact Form button [ Theme Options > Colors > Footer > Back to Top & Popup Contact Form ] * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Import & Templates - If post is a draft, save it do not publish * Updated: Translation Files - New translation strings * Updated: WooCommerce 3.3.2 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Pre-built website: Webdeveloper, Yoga 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - languages - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.php - muffin-options/validation - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Section - Style - Checkboxes to select multiple values * Added: Countdown Item & Shortcode - Option to hide seconds, minutes, hours * Added: New Google Fonts - 857 fonts available * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Lightbox: Show image Alt text as caption for lightbox image * Fixed: Header: Below Slider & Revolution Slider 5.4.7 - Sticky Header * Fixed: Style: Simple - Section Style: Dark - Countdown Item text color * Fixed: Safari - Visual Composer - Hover Box - Back face visibility * Improved: Theme Options - Wider textarea field & some inputs replaced by textareas * Pre-built website: Birthday, Lawyer 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/images/splash.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/checkbox/field_checkbox.php - muffin-options/fields/checkbox_pseudo/field_checkbox_pseudo.js * - muffin-options/fields/checkbox_pseudo/field_checkbox_pseudo.php * - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php * new file We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: WooCommerce 3.3.1 Compatibility - Pagination template * Pre-built website: Hotel 3, Eco Beef - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/loop/pagination.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Countdown - More timezones and principal cities list * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Share Box - Style: Classic * Fixed: Header: Below Slider - Minimalist without header space * Fixed: RTL - The Content direction * Pre-built website: Photography, App3 - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/admin/templates/parts/header.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Footer - Option to hide entire footer [ Theme Options > Footer > Style > Hide Footer ] * Added: Hreflang Tag in Header - The same as HTML lang code * Fixed: Under Construction - Contact Form 7 * Fixed: Share Box shortcode * Fixed: Layer Slider + Wrap: Move Up - z-index * Pre-built website: Car Wash, Robotics - changelog.html - footer.php - functions.php - screenshot.png - style.css - css/base.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: System Status - Check if Home URL domain is the same as Site URL domain * Fixed: Admin Panel - Search Pages/Posts - Minor PHP notice * Fixed: Header Fixed - Main Menu - 1st level - Description * Fixed: Header Fixed + Action Bar - Hash Smooth Scroll (.scroll) * Fixed: Plugin - The Events Calendar - Sidebar width * Updated: IE - Deprecated scripts removed * Pre-built website: GSM Service, Snowpark - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/admin/templates/status.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-status.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - js/scripts.js - tribe-events/default-template.php - woocommerce/archive-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: BeTheme Dashboard - Link to Betheme Licenses page * Fixed: Section: Decoration Image + Wrap: Move Up - z-index * Fixed: Style Simple + Dark - Opening Hours Item - Text color * Fixed: Sidebar - Minor PHP * Fixed: IE - Slider Item - Style: Carousel - Title - Line height * Improved: System Status - cURL - Check if server supports cURL * Pre-built website: Wanderer, Pizza 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - sidebar.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/templates/dashboard.php - functions/admin/templates/status.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-status.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Social Icons - WhatsApp * Fixed: Header Creative - Social icons - Color - The same as in other headers [ Theme Options > Colors > Action Bar > Social Icon ] * Fixed: WooCommerce 3.2.6 - Shop page display - Show categories [ WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Display: Shop page display ] * Fixed: Visual Composer + Contact Form 7 - Form width * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Pre-built website: Winter, CV - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/woocommerce.css - fonts - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - includes/include-social.php - languages/ - languages/pt_BR.po - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/archive-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: WooCommerce 3.3 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta1 version * Added: New Google Fonts - 848 fonts available * Pre-built website: Bistro 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fonts.php - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php - woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php - woocommerce/loop/pagination.php - woocommerce/notices/error.php - woocommerce/notices/success.php - woocommerce/archive-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Theme button color - Highlighted button text color [ Theme Options > Colors > Content > Button theme | color ] * Fixed: Section style: Dark - Forms - Color options * Fixed: Google Chrome - Muffin Builder - The ESC button closes any edit window in the builder * Updated: Translation Files - New translation strings * Pre-built website: Music 2, Language 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/js/scripts.js - functions/importer/demos.php - languages - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Shop - Default product sorting [ WooCommerce > Settings > Display > Default product sorting ] * Fixed: IE11 - Image Frame - Style: Zoom - Hover effect - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/theme-functions.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Muffin Builder - Wrap - Move Up - Option to disable on mobile [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Wrap | Move Up ] * Fixed: Blog - Archives - Order by & Order - The same as on the Blog page * Pre-built website: Employment - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Muffin Builder - The ESC button closes any edit window in the builder * Added: Forms - Input, Select & Textarea - Placeholder color [ Theme Options > Colors > Forms > Placeholder color ] * Fixed: How it Works Item & Shortcode - Without background image * Fixed: Section - Style: Equal Height of Wraps - Exclude divider * Fixed: Section - Style: Equal Height of Items in wrap - Exclude divider * Fixed: Google Chrome - Admin Bar enabled - Blank space below footer * Fixed: Gravity Forms - Survey Add-On - Checkbox * Improved: Shop Slider - Less than 4 items - Show wider slides * Pre-built website: Watchmaker, Pay - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Portfolio - Single - Screen Options: Custom Fields * Fixed: RTL - Theme Options * Updated: Map Item - Contact Box - Misleading arrow removed * Pre-built website: Animals 2, Artist 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - muffin-options/css/options-rtl.css We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Header Creative - Mobile Menu: Sticky - Window resize * Fixed: Header Creative - Mobile - Sticky Logo | Remove max-height & padding * Pre-built website: Personal trainer, Developer 3 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: BeTheme Dashboard - Install Plugins - Premium bundled plugins list - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/admin/class-mfn-api.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php
* Added: Hover Color Item & Shortcode - Text Align select (left, right, center, justify) [ Item Options > Text Align ] * Fixed: Style Simple - Shop - Alert - Duplicated icon * Fixed: Responsive - Decrease Fonts - Sidebar: Widget Title * Fixed: Visual Composer - Accordion - Sidebar Height * Fixed: Visual Composer - Icon Box - Default icon: icon-lamp * Updated: Magnific Popup - Gallery - Counter - 1 of 2 changed into 1 / 2 * Updated: BeTheme Dashboard - Updates check - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/tgm/class-mfn-tgmpa.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-api.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: New Google Fonts - 846 fonts available * Fixed: Slider Item & Shortcode - Style: Center mode - Slide with link * Fixed: Error 404 page - Headings colors from Theme Options * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Single - Format: Video - Fullscreen - Vertical alignment * Fixed: PHP 7.2 Compatibility - Code using create_function() has been removed * Updated: Blog & Portfolio - Format: Video - Player - More native, less distracting look * Updated: Translation Files - New translation strings * Pre-built website: Internet, Detailing 3, Carpenter 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - header-shop.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - assets/jplayer/css/ - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - languages - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: WordPress 4.9 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta 3 version * Added: Forms - Input, Select & Textarea - Border width [ Theme Options > Colors > Forms > Border width ] * Added: Facebook Pixel code - Theme Options field [ Theme Options > SEO > Facebook | Pixel ] * Added: Layouts - Show Layout ID on layouts list * Added: Under Construction - Admin Bar notice * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Single - Minor HTML code cleanup * Fixed: WPML - Attachment attributes per language * Pre-built website: Airport, Salmon - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/class-love.php - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Trailer Box - Item & Shortcode - Style: Plain ( style="plain" ) [ Item Options > Advanced > Style ] * Fixed: Share Shortcode - Style: Simple * Pre-built website: Detailinig 2, Drawing - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Portfolio - Post Meta - Option to hide each separately: Author, Date, Categories [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Portfolio > Options > Post Meta ] * Fixed: Header Creative: Always Open - Social Icons * Fixed: White Label & Third party plugins - Minor compatibility fix * Updated: Theme Options - Deprecated options page link removed * Pre-built website: Mockup, Denim - changelog.html - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Single Post - Subheader Background Image [ Post Options > Media > Subheader | Image ] * Fixed: Gallery Item - Images re-selecting * Fixed: Section - Decoration Image Top & Bottom - z-index * Fixed: Install Plugins - Show link even if all plugins are activated und up-to-date * Fixed: Google Chrome - Shop - Single product - jQuery UI Tabs * Updated: JS - Enqueue scripts - Minor code cleanup * Pre-built website: Meeting, Manicure - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - assets/ui/jquery.ui.all.css - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/admin/tgm/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/fields/upload_multi/field_upload_multi.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Mobile - Custom Main Menu [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Menu ] * Added: WooCommerce 3.2 Compatibility - Tested with the RC version * Fixed: Blog - Category, Tag & Author Page - Filters * Fixed: Lightbox - YouTube video - Removed last related screen * Fixed: Header Creative - Social Icons - Click on the last icon * Fixed: Widgets - Muffin Recent Posts - Minor PHP notice * Fixed: Custom Post Types - Single - Unnecessary permalinks removed * Fixed: WPML - Theme Options - Custom Menu - Show menus in current language only * Updated: Translation Files - New translation strings * Pre-built website: Meat, Vegetables - changelog.html - functions.php - index.php - searchform.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/meta-offer.php - functions/meta-slide.php - functions/meta-testimonial.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-menu.php - functions/widget-recent-posts.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Responsive - Side Slide Menu - Width select [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Side Slide | Width ] * Fixed: Share Box - Style: Simple & Shop - Single Product - Style: Modern * Updated: Shop - Single Product - Product Image - Deprecated option removed ( Since WooCommerce 3.0 new product gallery has been merged in to core ) * Pre-built website: Cafe 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-client.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: WooCommerce 3.2 Compatibility - Tested with the Beta 2 version * Fixed: Section - Style: Equal Height of Items in wrap - Pricing Item * Fixed: WPML - Custom Language Switcher in Main Menu - Dropdown with Flags - Menu width [ WPML > Languages > Menu language switcher ] * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Pre-built website: Tiles 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - languages/ - languages/pt_BR.po - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Slider Item & Shortcode - Option to hide navigation ( navigation="hide" ) [ Item Options > Navigation > Hide ] * Added: RTL - BeTheme Dashboard * Added: RTL - Pre-built websites * Fixed: RTL - WooCommerce - Cart & Checkout pages * Fixed: WPML - Blog & Portfolio - Single - Missing Translation Tag * Pre-built website: Hip-Hop - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/admin/assets/dashboard.css - functions/admin/templates/support.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Blog - Filters - jQuery filtering [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog > Filters | jQuery filtering ] * Fixed: Front page displays latest posts - Breadcrumbs - Duplicated blog link removed * Fixed: Front page displays latest posts - Filters * Pre-built website: Game - changelog.html - functions.php - index.php - style.css - template-portfolio.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Image Item & Shortcode - Select image size from Settings > Media > Image sizes [ Item Options > Image | Size ] * Added: Share Box - Style: Simple (without external scripts) [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General > Share Box | Style ] * Fixed: White Label - Old Theme Options link removed * Improved: Deutsch Translation - Feature List Item title * Pre-built website: Marina - changelog.html - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/admin/class-mfn-dashboard.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - languages/ - languages/de_DE.po - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Blog Item - Load More button - Post format: Video - Show videos * Improved: Blog Item - Load More button - Works even with pagination off * Pre-built website: Clinic 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - index.php - style.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Pre-built website: Assistance - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: New Google Fonts - 832 fonts available * Fixed: Section: Full Screen & Full Width - Padding * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Filters - Close button width * Fixed: Timeline Item - HTML lists - Default style * Improved: System Status - PHP Time Limit - Do not show an error if equal to 0 * Pre-built website: Sushi 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - index.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/templates/parts/mini-status.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-status.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/fonts.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Muffin Builder - Blog & Portfolio items - Theme Options link * Fixed: Pre-built websites - All Done screen - Theme Options link * Fixed: Pre-built website: Space - Missing slider demo * Pre-built website: Repair - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - functions/admin/templates/parts/header.php - functions/admin/templates/dashboard.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Google Font shortcode - Inline attribute (inline="1") * Fixed: Gallery - Link to: Media file - Show image alt text as caption for lightbox [ Theme Options > Addons & plugins > Addons > Lightbox > Options * Fixed: Gallery - Item with Caption - Margin below image * Fixed: Section style: Dark - Blockquote item & shortcode - Quote image & line * Fixed: Dashboard - Useful links section - Theme Options link * Pre-built website: 3d - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/admin/assets/dashboard.css - functions/admin/templates/dashboard.php - functions/admin/templates/support.php - functions/admin/tgm/class-mfn-tgmpa.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-update.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer-api.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - images/stripes/textline_dark.png - images/blockquote_dark.png - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Builder Item - Visual Editor - Add Media button * Fixed: RTL - Header Split - Search Icon - Position * Fixed: Dashboard - System Status - Uploads folder writable - Misnomer * Updated: Builder Item - Visual Editor - Visual/Text switch - Native WordPress look * Pre-built website: Code - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - functions/admin/templates/parts/mini-status.php - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - muffin-options/fields/visual/field_visual.php * - muffin-options/theme-options.php * new file We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Blog Page - Order by (date, title, rand) & Order (DESC, ASC) [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog > Order by / Order ] * Added: Builder Items - Blog, Blog News, Blog Slider, Blog Teaser - Order by & Order [ Item Options > Order by / Order ] * Fixed: RTL - Visual Composer - Section: Stretch section * Pre-built website: Spa 2 - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Open Graph Image Field (Facebook share image) Set globally for the whole site: [ Theme Options > SEO > Open Graph | Image ] or separately for each Single Post, Page, Portfolio: [ Post/Page Options (below Muffin Builder) > SEO > Open Graph | Image ] * Fixed: Widgets - Muffin Recent Posts - Style: Blog News - Description padding * Updated: WooCommerce 3.1 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Pre-built website: IT - changelog.html - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/cart/cart-empty.php ** - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php ** removed We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Muffin Builder Item - Image Gallery * Added: Widgets - Muffin Recent Posts - Style: Blog News [ Widgets > Muffin Recent Posts > Style ] * Fixed: Mobile - Header Creative + Mobile Header: Minimal [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Mobile options > Minimal ] * Fixed: WooCommerce - Show Secondary product image on Hover - PHP Notice [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Shop > Images ] * Fixed: WooCommerce - Show Secondary product image on Hover - Sold Out label [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Shop > Images ] * Fixed: Pre-built websites - Website without Revolution Slider - PHP Notice * Fixed: RTL - Muffin Builder Item - Helper * Pre-built website: Upholsterer - changelog.html - functions.php - rtl.css - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/admin/templates/parts/mini-status.php - functions/admin/templates/status.php - functions/admin/class-mfn-api.php - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/images/items/image_gallery.png * - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer/css/style.css - functions/importer/images/demos.jpg - functions/importer/class-mfn-importer.php - functions/importer/demos.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-recent-posts.php - includes/header-creative.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/upload_multi * - woocommerce/content-product.php * new We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Smaller theme package - only 6 MB instead of 31 MB * Added: 1-click theme updates - without additional plugins * Added: Premium plugins updates - available as soon as new version is on Codecanyon (plus time needed for compatibility tests) * Added: Automatic Revolution Slider demo installation with pre-built websites Please update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: WordPress 4.8 - Text Widget - Automatic new line characters between shortcodes All shortcodes you insert into the 'text widget' must be placed in a: [raw]...[/raw] * Fixed: Responsive - Side Slide Menu - Search form - Search Shop Products only * Updated plugins: Layer Slider 6.5.1 Slider Revolution * Pre-built website: Far East - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-recent-posts.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - functions.php - style.css We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Font Size - Main Menu - Affects Header: Overlay Menu [ Theme Options > Fonts > Size & Style > Main Menu ] * Fixed: Mobile - Column - Hide column on mobile device - "hide-mobile" class * Updated plugins: Slider Revolution 5.4.5 * Pre-built website: Loans 2 - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/responsive.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Blog - Post Meta - Option to hide each separately: Author, Date, Categories [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > Blog > Options > Post Meta ] * Fixed: Responsive OFF - Disappearing main menu * Pre-built website: Philharmonic - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Button style: Stroke - Shop - Single Product - Lightbox icons * Fixed: Retina Logo - Logo width - For some unusual logo proportions * Fixed: Slider Item & Shortcode - Style: Center mode - Secondary images overlay * Pre-built website: Garden 2 * Added: [BETA] BeTheme 20 - in 'auto updates' directory - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - includes/include-logo.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Fixed: Button style: Flat & Stroke - Lightbox close button * Fixed: Section: Full Width - Contact Form - Columns margin * Fixed: One Page - Header: Split Menu - 1st Menu Item active * Fixed: Visual Composer - Magnific Popup and prettyPhoto conflict * Fixed: RTL - WooCommerce 3.0.x - Single Product - Images gallery * Fixed: RTL - Navigation: Sticky Arrows - Arrow Only * Demo: Wedding Videos * Added: [BETA] BeTheme 20 - in 'auto updates' directory - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - functions/importer - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: Magnific Popup - responsive lightbox & dialog script with focus on performance and providing best experience for user with any device * Removed: prettyPhoto - obsolete Lightbox plugin * Fixed: Shop Slider item & shortcode - Show: Featured * Updated plugins: Layer Slider 6.4.0 * Demo: Animal Shelter - functions.php - style.css - assets/prettyPhoto * - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ * removed We recommend that you update the entire theme folder and empty cache
* Added: BeTheme pre-built websites - Option to Force Import Method * Demo: Craft Beer - functions/importer - functions.php - style.css
* Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Single - Header Slider & Header Navigation Arrows - Spacing * Fixed: Portfolio - Project Link: Project website - Icon width if no link is provided * Fixed: One Page - Header Creative - Scroll to section - Position * Fixed: Main Menu - 1st level - Description * Fixed: Pricing Item & Shortcode - Show "0" price for free items * Fixed: Responsive - Side Slide Menu - 1240-1254px screen width - Main Menu visibility * Updated plugins: Slider Revolution * Demo: eLearning - css/layout.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/menu.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - functions.php - style.css We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Fixed: BeTheme pre-built websites - 404 Error Page on some server configurations * Fixed: Shop - WooCommerce 3.0.x - Single Product - Style: Modern * Demo: Artist - functions.php - style.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer
* Updated: WooCommerce 3.0.3 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files - woocommerce/cart/cart.php - functions.php - style.css
* Fixed: Pre-built websites - Muffin Builder - Wrap attributes - URL replacements * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Section: Full Screen - Vertical align * Fixed: WPML - Custom Language Switcher in Main Menu - Dropdown with Native language * Updated: WooCommerce 3.0.2 - Outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files * Demo: Oculist - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php - functions.php - style.css We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Fixed: WooCommerce 3.0.1 Compatibility - content-product.php template * Fixed: WooCommerce 3.0.x - Cart - Empty cart - Return To Shop button translation * Updated plugins: LayerSlider 6.3.0 Visual Composer 5.1.1 - functions.php - style.css - functions/theme-functions.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - woocommerce/cart/cart-empty.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Theme Options > Button style: Flat & Stroke - Affects the shop buttons [ Theme Options > Global > General > Style | Button ] * Fixed: Header Plain & Button style: Stroke - Action Button color & margin * Fixed: Theme Options - Fonts - Family - styles if Layer Slider is active * Updated plugins: LayerSlider 6.2.2 * Demos: Sports Club - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - css/skins/.../style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Theme Options - Colors - Back to Top button [ Theme Options > Colors > Footer > Back to Top ] - please adjust colors after update * Added: Theme Options - Colors - Social [ Theme Options > Colors > Footer > Social Icon ] - please adjust colors after update * Fixed: Slider Shortcode - Slider padding and navigation position * Updated plugins: LayerSlider 6.2.0 * Demos: Productions - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Subheader - Option to hide Page Title [ Theme Options > Header & Subheader > Subheader > Hide > Page Title ] * Added: Main Menu - Blog, Portfolio & Shop - Single - Active for parent menu item * Added: WooCommerce 3.0 Compatibility - Tested with the RC1 version * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Format: Video - Removed last related screen * Fixed: Visual Composer - Waypoint 4.0.1 [js plugin] - Compatibility * Fixed: WPML - Custom Langauge Switcher in Main Menu * Removed: System Status - wp_remote_get() check * Demos: Cook - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - functions/importer - functions/system-status.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-mega-menu.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Muffin Builder - Items - WP Color Picker * Added: Responsive - Side Slide - Option to hide menu elements: button, icons, social [ Theme Options > Responsive > Header > Side Slide | Hide ] * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Visual Editor Item - Edit - Screen scroll * Fixed: Offer Slider Thumb - with Blog Teaser shortcode - Slide thumbnail * Improved: Theme Options - default WP Color Picker * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 5.1 * Demos: Boutique - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-side-slide.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.js - muffin-options/fields/color/field_color.php - muffin-options/img/transparent.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Slider Item & Shortcode - Style: Center mode ( style="center" ) [ Item Options > Style ] * Fixed: BeTheme pre-built websites - Installation method select * Fixed: Theme Options - Colors - Theme Skin: Red - Content Links color * Fixed: Blog style: Photo - Love Box - Hide * Fixed: Shop - Show Cart button on archives - Button style: Stroke * Fixed: WooCommerce 2.6.14 - Single Product - Additional Information Template * Updated plugins: Slider Revolution 5.4.1 * Demos: Stone - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/skins/red/style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/single-product/tabs/additional-information.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Fixed: WooCommerce 2.6.14 - Product Thumbnails Template - functions.php - style.css - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php
* Added: Mobile - Grid Width - Select grid width 480px - 700px [ Theme Options > Responsive > General > Mobile Grid width ] * Added: Theme Options - Font size & style - p.big [ Theme Options > Fonts > Size & Style > p.big ] * Added: Prev/Next Post Navigation - Sticky Arrows - Style select [ Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General > Navigation | Sticky Arrows ] * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - Adaptive Map Color [ Item Options > Map color ] * Added: WooCommerce 2.7 Compatibility - Tested with the RC version * Fixed: Responsive - Sticky Header - Hash Smooth Scroll (.scroll) * Demos: Guest House - functions.php - header-shop.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: BeTheme pre-built websites - New demo data installer * Added: Portfolio - Single - Option to hide Project Title * Added: Muffin Builder - Column Item - Insert dummy text button - Lorem Ipsum * Added: Button Item & Shortcode - Rel attribute * Improved: Refreshed BeTheme Main Layout * Improved: Theme Options - Reset to Defaults button - Additional protection against accidental options reset * Demos: Wildlife - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - style.php - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - images/logo - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/js/options.js - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Theme Options - Remove shadows - Disable overflow: hidden for #Wrapper * Fixed: Responsive - Sticky Header - Bouncing * Fixed: Blog Item - Load More button - Multiple Blog Items on the same page * Fixed: HTML Ordered List - Custom list styles, eg. lower-alpha * Improved: Parallax - Translate3d - Smooth loading * Demos: Restaurant 2 - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - js/parallax/translate3d.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Contact Form 7 - Form Error - Option to show full error message below field * Added: Blog - Post Image - Option to show images only - Replace sliders and videos with featured image * Added: Blog Item - Post Image - Option to show images only * Added: Blog - Single Post - Related Posts - Post Image - Option to show images only * Added: Theme Options - Remove shadows - Form fields * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Comments - Unnecessary numbers removed * Fixed: Button with icon - Small desktop screens - Reduced padding * Fixed: Mobile - Logo: Remove Left margin & Mobile Header Minimal: Menu left, Logo left * Updated plugins: LayerSlider 6.1.6 * Demos: Dentist 2 - functions.php - index.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/content-single.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/text/field_text.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Muffin Builder - Items - Recommended image sizes * Added: Theme Options - Featured Images - Detailed description of image sizes * Fixed: Header Creative - Retina Logo * Fixed: Back to Top button - Arrow position independent of the font size * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Section: Columns without vertical margin - 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/6 * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Section: Full Screen - One section on page - Scrollbar * Fixed: iOS phone number linking - Phone number - Color * Improved: Header Creative - CSS animations * Demos: Furniture 2 - footer.php - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/meta-client.php - functions/meta-offer.php - functions/meta-slide.php - functions/meta-testimonial.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/include-logo.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/custom/field_custom.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: How it Works Item & Shortcode - Style: Fill the circle (style="fill") * Added: WPML & Visual Composer - Muffin Builder elements added to configuration file * Added: Footer - 5th Sidebar - New layouts: 2/5 2/5 1/5; 2/5 1/5 2/5; 1/5 2/5 2/5 * Fixed: Header Simple & Side Slide menu - Screen width > 1920px - Disappearing menu * Fixed: Header Creative: Dropdown submenu & Side Slide menu - Disappearing menu * Fixed: Hover Color Item - Link class attribute * Fixed: Blog Slider - Slide with only 1 item - Show wider slide * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Section - Title containing ' character * Demos: Creative 2 - functions.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Hover Color Item & Shortcode - Border width attribute * Fixed: Icon Box - HTML lists - Default style * Fixed: Mobile - Section: Hide on mobile - One Page navigation * Fixed: Mobile - Sticky Header - Retina Logo Height * Fixed: Mobile - Android - Blog Teaser - 1pt line above description * Demos: Wine 2 - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Theme Options - Colors - Action Bar (text color, link color, social link color) - If you use Action Bar please adjust colors after update - * Added: Heading Shortcode - Heading with lines on both sites of title and align select * Added: Image Frame - Hover effect - Option to disable * Fixed: Header Simple - Minimalist without header space - Sticky Header * Fixed: HTML Ordered List inside Unordered List - Numbers * Fixed: Shop - Site-wide store notice text - Sticky header * Fixed: Shop - Site-wide store notice text - Mobile - Side slide menu * Fixed: SSL support - Fancy Divider Item & Post Navigation - Link to SVG namespace * Fixed: Visaul Composer - Waypoint 4.0.1 [js plugin] - Compatibility * Improved: Brazilian Translation (thanks to Celso - Multiproj Team) * Improved: Ukrainian Translation (frontend) * Demos: Detailing - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Muffin Builder - Items with content field - Show short summary of content field * Added: Portfolio Item - Multiple categories - Filters (only selected categories) * Added: Contact Form 7 - Message: "Failed to send your message" - CSS styles * Fixed: Custom Sidebars - Sidebar title with space at the end * Demos: Home - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-functions.php - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Pages - Custom Excerpt * Added: Header Creative - Sticky Logo field can be used as Tablet Logo * Added: Shop - Message: "No products found" - Alert style * Added: Mobile - Shop - Cart - Responsive tables * Fixed: Sliders - Small images - Align center * Fixed: One Page - Header: Below - Scroll to 1st section * Fixed: Gallery - Caption: On the Image - Caption position * Fixed: Visual Editor Item - Default WordPress editor HTML code formating * Fixed: Shop - Message: "Cart updated" * Fixed: Shop - Message: "Product removed. Undo?" * Fixed: Mobile - Sticky Header - Retina Logo * Improved: Offer Slider - Touch devices swipe * Improved: Offer Slider Thumb - Touch devices swipe * Updated plugins: Waypoints 4.0.1 * Demos: Active - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Portfolio Page - Password Protected * Added: Portfolio Slider - Image size (small, medium, large) * Added: Portfolio Slider - Items to scroll (page, slide) * Added: Hover Effects - Enable on desktop only - Hover Color Item * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Structured Data - Featured Image * Fixed: Blog Slider - Less than 4 items - Show wider slides * Fixed: Shop Slider - Onsale - Include Variable Products * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Onsale - Rating - Position & spacing * Fixed: Shop - Cart - Remove button - Button style: Flat * Fixed: Google Chrome - Theme Options - Browser Zoom * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Shoes - functions.php - style.css - template-portfolio.php - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Fixed: IE 11 - JavaScript error - functions.php - style.css - js/scripts.js
* Added: New Google Fonts - 810 fonts available * Added: Translation Files - 150 new translation strings * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Love Box - Multiple clicks * Fixed: PHP 7.1 - Muffin Builder - Save (thanks to Zarausto) * Improved: Blog Slider - Desktop mouse dragging * Improved: Blog Slider - Touch devices swipe * Improved: Clients Slider - Desktop mouse dragging * Improved: Clients Slider - Touch devices swipe * Improved: Shop Slider - Desktop mouse dragging * Improved: Shop Slider - Touch devices swipe * Improved: Blog - Single Post - Structured Data * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Updated plugins: LayerSlider 6.0.6 Slider Revolution * Demos: Corporation - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Blog - Single Post - Template: Builder * Added: Layout Boxed - Option to remove top and bottom margin * Fixed: Header Plain - Top Bar right with Action Button only - Width * Fixed: Header Fixed - Action Bar - Background color * Fixed: Visual Composer - Icon Bar - Last item margin * Improved: Slider Item & Shortcode - Desktop mouse dragging * Improved: Slider Item & Shortcode - Touch devices swipe * Improved: Testimonials Slider - Slider height on load and slide change * Improved: Testimonials Slider - Touch devices swipe * Improved: RTL Support - CSS Improvements * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Updated plugins: Slider Revolution 5.3.1 * Demos: Musician - functions.php - rtl.css - single.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/skins/.../style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Background Image - Background repeat: repeat-y * Fixed: Older OSX and Safari - JavaScript errors * Fixed: Header Creative - Search form * Fixed: RTL - Visual Composer - Stretch Row * Fixed: Strip special characters before some HTML outputs (thanks to * Improved: Portfolio Slider - Touch devices swipe * Improved: Portfolio Slider - Desktop mouse dragging * Improved: Retina.js - Disabled by default (please enable it after prepare @2x images) * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Developer 2 - functions.php - index.php - rtl.css - sidebar-blog.php - sidebar.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - template-portfolio.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-post.php - js/parallax/translate3d.js - js/menu.js - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Responsive - Side Slide - NEW Menu Style * Added: Responsive - HTML Table - Auto responsive enable/disable * Fixed: Responsive - List Item & Shortcode - Icon/Image width & spacing * Fixed: SSL - Image Alternative Text * Fixed: Retina.js - Disable responsive images in WP 4.4+ if Retina.js enabled * Improved: Menu Button - New more visible option for all header styles (please set this color after update if you use Header Overlay Menu) * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 5.0.1 * Demos: Xmas2 - footer.php - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/header-side-slide.php * - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ * new file We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Offer Slider Thumb - Multiple offer sliders on the same page * Fixed: Header - Action Button - Options: Open in new window / Scroll to section * Fixed: Header - Extras - Cart Icon & Action Button - Spacing * Fixed: Blog Slider, Clients Slider, Shop Slider - Navigation Arrows - Fixed font size * Fixed: Offer Slider Full - Pagination - In the same wrap with another item * Fixed: Style Simple - Testimonials Slider - Blockquote - Margin & overflow * Fixed: Mobile - Header Sticky, Minimal - Menu Button Sticky * Improved: Portfolio Photo Item - Details box - Vertical position * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Updated plugins: LayerSlider 6.0.5 Slider Revolution Visual Composer 5.0 * Demos: Fireplace - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/scripts.js - plugins/ - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Blog Teaser - Item & Shortcode * Fixed: Blog - Archives - Post without image - Hide image frame * Fixed: Blog - Single - Format: Quote - Realted Posts - Featured Images * Fixed: Mobile - Header Stack - Menu Button - Sticky * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Markup - Use default WooCommerce data * Fixed: Plugin - bbPress - Forum & Topic - Subscription Button * Improved: iPad - Section - Background attachment * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Training - 404.php - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - template-blank.php - under-construction.php - bbpress/content-archive-forum.php - bbpress/content-single-forum.php - bbpress/content-single-topic.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/images/items/blog_teaser.png - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Map Item & Shortcode - Contact Box - Style select * Added: Visual Composer - Map Item - Contact Box * Added: Blog Item & Shortcode - Include events (for The Events Calendar plugin) * Fixed: Blog - Manual Excerpt - List - Default HTML style * Fixed: Our Team - Style: Circle & Entrance animation ON - Image size and shape * Fixed: Images - Caption: On the Image - Caption width * Fixed: Portfolio Shortcode - Filters * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - One Page - Sticky Header - Hide menu on click * Fixed: Shop - WMPL - Custom Switcher Style: Horizontal * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Couturier - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/include-wpml.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Blog - Single - Template: Intro - Background size: Cover * Added: Portfolio - Single - Template: Intro - Background size: Cover * Fixed: Layout Boxed - Header Plain - Logo: Remove Left margin * Fixed: Portfolio - Single - Template: Builder - Navigation Arrows - Option to hide * Fixed: Theme Options - Transparent: Top Bar with Menu - WPML Custom Switcher * Fixed: WPML String Translation - Theme Options - Hooks * Fixed: Plugin - The Events Calendar - Page Title * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Surveyor - functions.php - single-portfolio.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - includes/include-wpml.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Social Icons - TripAdvisor * Added: Responsive - Sticky Header - Alternative Mobile Logo * Added: Icon Box - Title Tag select * Added: Shop - Single Product - Markup in header * Fixed: Header Overlay Menu - Page Options - Custom Menu * Fixed: Header Stack Center - Sticky Header - Align Menu to Right * Fixed: Action Bar - Line height * Fixed: Safari - Section - Video background - Auto scroll to video * Updated: Header - Template files rebuilt * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Wallet - footer.php - functions.php - header-shop.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - fonts - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - includes/include-logo.php * - includes/include-social.php * - includes/include-wpml.php * - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php * new We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Body, Header, Subheader, Footer - Background size - Cover on ultrawide screens * Added: Section, Wrap & Column - Background size - Cover on ultrawide screens * Added: Theme Options - Option to Remove shadows for Boxed Layout, Creative Header, Sticky Header, Subheader, etc. * Added: Footer - 5th Sidebar * Added: Slider Item - Option to Hide Arrows or Dots * Added: Tabs Item - Content Padding * Added: Search results - Excerpt - Filter shortcodes * Fixed: Menu style: Highlight - Colors - Active Link color * Fixed: Slider Item - Style: Carousel - Title - Line height * Fixed: Tabs Item - Unique ID * Fixed: Section - Style: Equal Height - FAQ Item * Fixed: Shop - Product Sorting - z-index * Fixed: Plugin - The Events Calendar - Include events in main blog loop * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Herbal - footer.php - functions.php - index.php - style.css - assets/ui/jquery.ui.all.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-functions.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Body, Header, Subheader, Footer - Background size * Added: Muffin Builder - Section, Wrap & Column - Background size * Added: Image Frame Item & Shortcode - Option to stretch image to column width * Added: Blog - Exclude Category from Posts Page - Multiple categories * Added: Portfolio Photo Item - Margin bottom option * Added: German Translation * Fixed: Header Creative - Footer Style: Stick to bottom * Fixed: Header Fixed - Menu style: Highlight * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Single - No Share Box - Featured Image - Width * Fixed: Visual Composer - Widgetised Sidebar - Muffin Recent Posts/Comments - List style * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Snapshot - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - languages/ - languages/de_DE.po - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Option to disable some theme features - Categories Sidebars * Added: Under Construction Page - SEO description & keywords * Fixed: Button Item - Bottom spacing * Fixed: Header Creative - Visual Composer - Row stretch & Parrallax - Centered background * Updated: Translation Files - Theme Options - .po\.mo * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Biolab - functions.php - sidebar-blog.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - functions/widget-functions.php - languages - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Fixed: Footer Sliding - Header & Content - z-index - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css
* Added: Image Frame - Border & Mask - Color select * Added: Blog - Masonry Tiles - Greyscale Images * Fixed: Blog - Single - Related posts - Featured image width * Fixed: Wrap - Background position: Parallax - Content visibility * Fixed: Sticky Header - Header Plain - Action button - Height * Fixed: Footer Fixed & Sliding - Wrap: Move Up in 1st section - Header z-index * Fixed: Zoom Box Item - Column without margins - Horizontal spacing * Fixed: Chrome - Section - Background position: Cover * Fixed: Safari - Hr shortcode - Style: No Line - Clearing * Updated: Zoom Box Item - Unified look in both styles * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Moto - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/skins/.../style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - includes/content-post.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: New Google Fonts - now 808 fonts available * Added: Responsive - Mobile - Sticky header * Added: Responsive - Menu button - Background color (optional) * Fixed: Header Creative - Menu Button color * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Full Screen Section - Highlight - Vertical padding * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Header Creative - Mobile Header Transparent * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Header Plain - WPML Switcher & Action Button * Fixed: Visual Composer - Quick Fact Item * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Logistics - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - languages/ - languages/pt_BR.po - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: WPML - Custom Switcher Style - Background - The same as Top Bar Left background * Fixed: Sticky Header - Header Fixed- Disable logo & menu scaling * Fixed: Sticky Header - Overflow Logo - Vertical padding * Fixed: Section Full Screen - Navigation Arrows - z-index * Fixed: Section - Decoration Image Top & Bottom - z-index * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Header Style: Minimal - Logo - Vertical padding * Fixed: Responsive - Split Menu Semitransparent - Predefined skins - Menu background * Fixed: Plugin - Buddypress - Messages - Conversation information * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.12.1 * Demos: Pizza 2 - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/skins/.../style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Blog - Single - Template: Intro - Share Box * Added: Header Creative - Menu Button color * Added: Responsive - Mobile - Header Style: Minimal (with logo & menu button position select) * Fixed: Responsive - Timeline Item - Date label - Width & Arrow position * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Menu button centered with logo * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Portfolio: Flat - Spacing between items * Fixed: RTL - Breadcrumbs - Arrow icon * Improved: Header - Refreshed icons * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: HiFi - functions.php - rtl.css - searchform.php - style-colors.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - fonts - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/icon/field_icon.php - muffin-options/img/select/mobile-minimal - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Menu Style - Link color only (without line) * Added: Quick Fact Item & Shortcode - Text Align select * Added: Excerpt - […] Symbol - Wrapped into <span> tag * Added: WPML - Duplicate Page - Portfolio Items - Auto translation of Multiple Categories * Fixed: Header Below Slider - Footer Fixed & Sliding - z-index * Fixed: Shop - Message: "Product removed. Undo?" * Fixed: SVG Image - Attachment data - Width & Height * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Additional Price Info * Fixed: Responsive - iPad - List Item - Icon size * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Section video background replaced by placeholder (html5 videos do not start on iOS and Android 4+ without user interaction) * Updated: Icons - Chrome, Foursquare, GitHub, Google, Google+, Instagram, PayPal, QQ, Spotify, Steam, Stripe, Tubmlr, Windows * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: eBook - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - fonts - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/cart/cart-empty.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Social Icons - Custom Social Icon * Added: Theme Functions - Additional function_exists() & class_exists() * Added: Offer Slider Item - Text Align select * Fixed: Header Creative - Social Icons - Option to open link in new window * Fixed: Header Split - Action Bar - Background color * Fixed: Header Simple - Sticky Header: Dark - Main Menu background * Fixed: Header Simple - Mega Menu - Style: Vertical Lines * Fixed: Sticky Header - Mega Menu - Style: Vertical Lines * Fixed: Portfolio - Single - Custom | Layout * Fixed: Content Image - Align & Margin * Fixed: Templates - View Template * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Header Creative - Height * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Section Full Screen - Navigation Arrows - Position * Fixed: Minor JS notice - Undeclared variable * Fixed: Plugin - MailChimp - Form submit button * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Demos: Lawyer 2 - footer.php - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/tinymce.php - functions/class-love.php - functions/meta-client.php - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/meta-offer.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/meta-slide.php - functions/meta-template.php - functions/meta-testimonial.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-hooks.php - functions/theme-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - functions/widget-flickr.php - functions/widget-functions.php - functions/widget-login.php - functions/widget-menu.php - functions/widget-recent-comments.php - functions/widget-recent-posts.php - functions/widget-tag-cloud.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Header Creative - Responsive Menu Initial width select (768px - 1240px) * Added: Header - Background Position * Added: Visual Composer - Muffin Builder Items - Additional parameters for items: Article Box, Blockquote, Blog, Blog News, Blog Slider, Call to Action, Chart, Clients, Counter, Feature List, Flat Box, Hover Box, Hover Color, How it Works, Icon Box, Our Team, Our Team List, Photo Box, Portfolio, Pricing Item, Progress Bars, Promo Box, Quick Fact, Sliding Box, Story Box, Testimonials List, Trailer Box, Zoom Box * Fixed: Blog - Single - Template: Intro - Disabled post type: Portfolio * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Single - Without featured image - Related posts image * Fixed: Flashmediaelement - Patch * Demos: Watch - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Mega Menu - Style: Vertical Lines * Added: Shop - List - Sold Out text label * Added: Ukrainian Translation (frontend) * Fixed: Menu - Fold 2 Last Submenus to the Left - Mega Menu * Fixed: Related Posts - Post Format: Video - Player height * Fixed: Related Posts - Post without featured image - Caption * Fixed: Responsive Off - Main Menu - Submenu * Demos: Tailor - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - js/menu.js - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - languages/ - languages/uk_UA.po - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: WooCommerce 2.6.3 Compatibility * Fixed: Shop - Product image placeholder * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Add request quote button * Improved: Shortcodes - Minor code cleanup - functions.php - style.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Section - Decoration Image Top & Bottom * Added: Single Post, Single Portfolio & Single Product - Navigation Arrows - Option to hide Header Arrows and/or Sticky Arrows * Added: Single Post, Single Portfolio & Single Product - Navigation Arrows - style: Flat * Added: Shop - Single Product - Style: Modern * Added: Breadcrumbs - Blog & Single Post - Blog page parents * Added: Flat Box Item & Shortcode - Icon Image * Fixed: Section Highlight - Background Video * Demos: Biker - functions.php - single-portfolio.php - style-colors.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Dropcap Shortcode - Custom Size in px, Font Family and Transparency * Added: Blog Item - Margin for Style: Masonry Tiles * Added: Blog Slider Item - Option to Hide Arrows, Dots or Both * Fixed: Main Menu - Align Menu to Right when Responsive Menu Initial width changed * Fixed: Single Post & Portfolio - Template: Intro - Footer style: Fixed or Sliding * Fixed: Search results - Products search - Sidebar * Fixed: RTL - Clients Slider item * Improved: Google Font Shortcode - The number of HTTP requests reduced * Demos: Writer - functions.php - rtl.css - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Fixed: Header Creative Right - Search form * Fixed: Tabs Item - Escaping for HTML attributes * Fixed: WPML - Front page displays latest posts - Page Options * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.2.6 Layer Slider 5.6.9 * Demos: Mechanic 2 - functions.php - style.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - languages - muffin-options/fields/tabs/field_tabs.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Google Font Shortcode - Letter spacing * Added: Image Shortcode with link - Option to disable hover (hover="disable") * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Random Love - Huge number of posts * Fixed: prettyPhoto - Expand the image button - Image height * Improved: One Page - Main Menu - 1st section linked in menu is not visible * Demos: Barber 2 - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/class-love.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Blog News Item & Shortcode - Style: Featured 1st (style="featured") * Added: Blog News Item & Shortcode - Excerpt: Show for featured (excerpt="featured") * Added: Button Shortcode - Align parameter * Added: WPML String Translation - Hooks * Added: WooCommerce 2.6.1 Compatibility * Fixed: Header Creative Right - Navigation Arrows - Margin * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Single - Template: Intro - No option selected * Fixed: Safari browser - Logo style: Overflow * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider * Demos: Good Food - functions.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/fields/checkbox/field_checkbox.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: WooCommerce 2.6 Compatibility - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/woocommerce.css - woocommerce/myaccount * * please REMOVE ENTIRE FOLDER We recommend that you remove current theme folder from FTP and upload new instead
* Added: Fonts - Advanced Styles - Line Height, Font weight & Style, Letter Spacing * Added: Blog Item & Shortcode - Include private posts for logged in users * Fixed: Portfolio - Single - Navigation Arrows - Swap * Fixed: Main Menu - Description - Submenu * Fixed: Import Demo Data - IDs of stylesheet & script files * Fixed: WP Admin - Menus - Height of expanded item * Fixed: Plugin: Polylang 1.9.2 - Subheader - Page Title * Fixed: Plugin: The Events Calendar 4.2 - Events List * Improved: One Page - Main Menu - Item with submenu - Active * Plugins: Compatibility tested: Nav Menu Roles 1.8.1 - Hide custom menu items based on user roles * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.12 * Demos: Agency 2 - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-mega-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/typography/field_typography.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Portfolio - Style: Masonry Minimal * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Template: Intro (with Header Photo - optional Full Screen and Parallax) * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Option to Hide Subheader & Remove Content Padding * Added: Bundled Plugins - Update Notification & Auto Update (TGM Plugin Activation) * Added: Muffin Builder - Wrap - Move Up (Move wrap to overflow on previous section) * Added: Blog News Item & Shortcode - Option to show/hide the Excerpt * Added: Before After - Shortcode * Added: Visual Composer - FAQ - Expand & collapse icons * Added: Builder 2 SEO - Image Alternative Text - Use Alt from Media Library * Fixed: Column Item & Shortcode - Background (if block elements placed in the content) * Fixed: Contact Box Item & Shortcode - WWW Field - External https links * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Wrap - Parallax background * Fixed: Prev\Next Navigation - Order: Ascending * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider * Demos: Minimal - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-page.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/img/select/portfolio/masonry-minimal.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - vc_templates/vc_toggle.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Updated plugins: TGM Plugin Activation 2.6.1 Revolution Slider Layer Slider 5.6.8 - functions.php - style.css - functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - plugins
* Added: Feature Box - Item & Shortcode * Added: Chart Item & Shortcode - Line Width attribute (line width in px) * Added: Progress Bars Item & Shortcode - Size attribute (bar size in px) * Added: Helper Item - Title Tag select * Added: Header Overlay Menu - Button background * Fixed: PHP 7 - Import Demo Data - Menu import * Fixed: Button Stroke - Action Button - Color & Position * Fixed: Responsive - Logo style: Overflow - Menu Button * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider * Demos: Medic 2 - functions.php - style-colors.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/images/items/feature_box.png - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - languages/ - languages/pt_BR.po - muffin-options/validation/color/validation_color.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Logo - Style: Overflow * Added: Muffin Builder - Prevent unsaved data loose (confirm dialog when navigate away from the page) * Added: Hover Color Item & Shortcode - Border color attribute * Fixed: Header Simple & Empty: Logo - Height & Vertical Padding * Fixed: Header Split - Main Menu - Submenu - Padding left * Fixed: Image Frame - Iamge - CSS Border Radius * Fixed: Responsive - Button Stroke - Offer Slider - Navigation Arrows * Improved: Header - Top Bar Right - Hide if unused * Improved: Muffin Builder - Import - Method select - Order * Improved: iPad - Section - Background position: Cover * Improved: RTL Support - Minor CSS Improvements * Demos: Underwater - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Logo - Vertical Align * Added: Logo - Option to remove Left Margin * Added: Sticky Header Logo - Option to remove Max-Height & Padding * Added: Breadcrumbs - Blog - Category Page - Category Parents * Added: Progress Icons Shortcode - Option to use image (25x25px) instead of icon * Fixed: Section - Style: Equal Height of Items in wrap - Hover Color Item * Fixed: Image Item - Align: Center && Image | Width * Fixed: One Page - Main Menu - Item with submenu - Active * Fixed: prettyPhoto - Embed Video - SSL support * Fixed: Widget Recent Comments - Minor PHP notice * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Add Item - Button Item - Moved to Typography * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Add Item - Video Item - Added to Content Elements * Improved: Portfolio Item - Project Link: Disable Details - Prettyphoto Gallery * Demos: Smart Home, SEO 2 - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Google Maps - API Key (optional) * Added: Hover Color Item & Shortcode - Custom inline Style field * Added: Parallax - Translate3d - Option to force Enllax in Safari * Added: Muffin Menu Widget - Show on click * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Templates - Insert before/after current builder content * Fixed: Header Creative - Social Icons - Tumblr * Fixed: Shop - Pagination - Permalink Settings: Plain * Fixed: Responsive - Single Page - Pagination - Margin * Improved: Portfolio - Ajax Load More - isotope reLayout * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider * Demos: Car, Makeup - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-menu.php - includes/header-creative.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/loop/pagination.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Subheader - Background Image - Position, repeat, attachment * Added: Muffin Menu Widget - 4th level padding * Fixed: WordPress 4.5 - Visual Editor Item - Inline Links * Fixed: Page Options - SEO Title * Fixed: Testimonials Item & Shortcode - Navigation Arrows - z-index * Fixed: WPML - Page Options - Custom Menu - Show menus in current language only * Improved: Omit Closing PHP Tags to prevent "Headers already sent" issues * Demos: Architect 2, Wedding 2 - 404.php - functions.php - style.css - template-blank.php - under-construction.php - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/importer - functions/meta-page.php - functions/theme-head.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Main Menu - Submenu Item - Active - Option to show/hide * Added: Search Page - Sidebar (Sidebar: Page | Sidebar) * Added: Single Page - Pagination * Added: Single Post & Project - Featured Image - Caption * Added: Image Frame - Caption Style: On the Image * Added: Helper Item - HTML lists - Default style * Added: Testimonials List Item - Style: Quote above the author * Fixed: Header - Revolution Slider - Google Fonts * Fixed: Parallax - Translate3d - Image smaller than the height of content * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Updated: Translation Files - Theme Options - .po\.mo * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.2.5 Visual Composer * Demos: AquaPark, Technics - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - page.php - search.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-functions.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - js/parallax/translate3d.js - languages - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: One Page - First Menu Item - Active (if you are linking to the very top section of the page) * Added: Muffin Builder - Data Storage - Serialized (safe mode), for non-UTF-8 server, etc. * Added: Scroll Plugin - Smooth Scroll * Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items: Photo Box, Pricing Item, Promo Box, Sliding Box, Story Box, Trailer Box * Fixed: Blog Item & Shortcode - Sticky Posts * Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry Hover Details - Hover * Fixed: Shop - Product Page Shortcode ([product_page id=""]) - prettyPhoto * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider Visual Composer * Demos: Print, Perfume - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/parallax/smoothscroll.js * - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - woocommerce/single-product/related.php * new We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Link Target - Lightbox - Muffin Builder Items: Article Box, Blockquote, Button, Call to Action, Flat Box, Hover Color, How it Works, Icon Box, Our Team, Our Team List * Added: Theme Support - Title Tag - Let WordPress manage the document title * Added: Muffin Builder 3 - Data Storage select (serialized or encoded) * Added: Image Item & Shortcode - Margin Bottom attribute * Added: Section - Style: Full width except Mobile * Added: Responsive - Section - Parallax background - Option to enable on mobile * Fixed: Single Project - Template: Builder - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.2.4 * Demos: Movie, Eco - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - single-portfolio.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Portfolio - Single - Navigation Arrows - Sort as selected in the theme options (works with: Date, Title, Menu Order - all items must have different 'order' values ) * Added: Form Submit & Button - Full Width (.button_full_width) * Added: Column Shortcodes - 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 2/6, 3/6, 4/6, 5/6 * Fixed: Button Item - Size attribute * Fixed: Google Chrome - Style Simple - Timeline Item & Shortcode * Improved: Search Results - Display matching titles first * Improved: Zoom Box - Center if small image was used * Demos: NGO, Bistro - functions.php - single-portfolio.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/fields.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Muffin Builder 3 - The data is stored in readable format now * Added: Button Item & Shortcode - Size ( 1-4, 2-default ), Full Width * Fixed: Single Post & Project - Navigation Arrows - Option to Hide * Fixed: Photo Box - without Description - Image margin bottom * Fixed: Image Item - Style: Slide Bottom - disable Hover Effect - Margin bottom * Fixed: One Page - Header Fixed with Action Bar * Fixed: Shop - Show Shop Page Slider on: Main Shop Page - Category Header * Fixed: Responsive - Portfolio Masonry Flat - Tall Image (768px x 1200px) (please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all portfolio images) * Improved: Search Results - Empty search string - Display no search results * Improved: WPML Compatibility * Demos: Pharmacy, Casino - functions.php - header.php - search.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/fields.php * - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - js/scripts.js * new We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Visual Composer - Muffin Builder Items: Before After, Blockquote, Blog News, Blog Slider, Clients Slider, Code, Helper, Hover Color, Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Photo, Portfolio Slider, Slider, Story Box, Testimonials List, Zoom Box * Added: Header Fixed: Logo - Height & Vertical Padding * Added: Footer - Background Image - Position, repeat, attachment * Added: Layouts - Sticky Header - Option to enable/disable * Added: Shop - "Added to Cart" message - "View Cart" link * Fixed: Theme Options - Retina + Chrome - Switch * Fixed: Shop - Product Image - Minor CSS Fixes * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Price - Font Family * Fixed: WPML - Language switcher in the WP Menu * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider Visual Composer 4.11.1 * Demos: HR, Music - functions.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - woocommerce/notices/success.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: WordPress 4.5 Compatibility - Tested with the Bata 2 version * Added: Blog - Single - Template: Intro - Navigation arrows * Added: Portfolio - Single - Template: Builder - Navigation arrows * Added: Portfolio Masonry Flat - Support for wider displays up to 2560px (please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all portfolio images) * Added: WPML - Duplicate Page - Portfolio Items - Auto translation of Category slug * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Ajax Load More - prettyPhoto * Fixed: prettyPhoto - Big 21:9 Images * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Section Highlight * Fixed: Import Demo Data - HTTP Basic Authentication * Improved: Blog & Portfolio - Video - Aspect Ratio * Demos: VPN, Pets - functions.php - single-portfolio.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/select/field_select.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Image Alternative Text - Use Alt from Media Library (get the Image Title if Alt is empty) * Added: Sticky Header - The same as Top Bar Left background * Added: Menu Arrows for items with submenu - The same color as link color (opacity:0.6) * Added: Importer - Menu | with menu pages * Added: WPML - Custom Switcher Style - Horizontal - Active * Fixed: Video Item & Shortcode - HTML5 Video - Fallback to Flash * Fixed: Map Item & Shortcode - Google Maps API warning - SensorNotRequired * Fixed: Under Construction - Contact Form 7 * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - Section Full Width * Fixed: Responsive - Mobile - prettyPhoto * Fixed: Importer - Minor PHP Notice * Fixed: Style Simple - Gravity Forms - ReCaptcha Table * Fixed: PHP - Minor code cleanup * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.2.1 * Demos: Tiles, Freelancer - functions.php - screenshot.png - style-colors.php - style.css - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/system-status.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-mega-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Blog - Single Post - Template: Intro (with Header Photo - optional Full Screen and Parallax) * Added: Blog & Portfolio - Single - Related projects - Style Simple * Added: Image Frame - Style: Zoom * Added: Image Frame - Border: Option to show/hide * Added: Image Item - Option to disable Hover Effect * Added: Muffin Builder - Column - Custom inline Style field * Added: Shop - Single Product - Related projects - Count * Fixed: Column - Align Right - List Item * Fixed: Video Item - Width & Height fields * Fixed: Logo SVG - Sticky Header Logo * Fixed: Logo Sticky & Mobile - Image alternative text * Fixed: Responsive - HTML Table - Button - Remove Icon * Fixed: Responsive - Custom Layout - Mobile Logo * Fixed: Responsive - Header Stack Center - Sticky on Tablet * Fixed: Responsive OFF - Sticky Header Logo * Fixed: Admin Bar ON - One Page - Menu Active * Fixed: Admin Bar ON Responsive - Header Creative * Fixed: System Status - WP Memory Limit * Removed: HTML Lists - Different Font Size * Demos: Lifestyle, App 2 - functions.php - header.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/system-status.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-single-intro.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fields/checkbox/field_checkbox.php - muffin-options/fields/sliderbar/field_sliderbar.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Logo - Height & Vertical Padding * Added: Polish Translation * Fixed: Responsive OFF - Header: Stack Center * Fixed: Responsive OFF - Layout with Sidebar - Content width * Fixed: Section - Equal Height of Items in wrap * Fixed: Header Creative - Text Logo * Improved: Preformance - The number of HTTP requests reduced * Improved: Preformance - The size of CSS files reduced * Improved: Style Simple - HTML Tables - Disable Rows Hover * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Removed: custom.css file - Please use child theme instead * Demos: Kebab, Holding - functions.php - rtl.css - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/buttons.css * - css/custom.css * - css/grid.css * - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css * - css/variables.css * - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - includes/header-creative.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php * removed We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Forms - Input, Select & Textarea - Color options * Added: Blog & Portfolio - Featured Image - Size & Crop mode * Added: Blog - Exclude Category from Posts Page * Added: Blog Item - Exclude specified Posts * Added: Portfolio Item - Exclude specified Projects * Added: Pages with Sidebar - Remove Content Padding * Fixed: Portfolio - Single Project - Image width & align when using small featured image * Fixed: Blog News & Blog Slider Items - Featured Image size (please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all blog & portfolio images) * Fixed: Style: Simple - Tabs Item & Shortcode - Centered Tabs option * Fixed: Button style Stroke - Slider Item - Navigation Buttons * Improved: Layout Boxed - With Sidebar - Section: Full Width * Improved: HTML Tables - Disable Rows Hover by default (you can turn it on in Theme Options) * Improved: Theme Options - Reset to Defaults button - Moved to Backup & Reset tab * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.10 * Demos: Toy, Tea - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - css/skins/.../style.css - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - css/variables.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-page.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/js/options.js - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Helper - Muffin Builder Item * Added: Section - Equal Height of Wraps * Added: Wrap - Vertical Position of Items * Added: Blog - Grid style (2-6 columns) * Added: Blog Item - Grid style (2-6 columns) * Added: Muffin Menu Widget - Show on hover, always show active * Added: Before After Item - Translation Tags * Added: Auto Get Schema Type By Post Type - Option to show/hide * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Demos: Charity 2, Carpenter - functions.php - style.css - style.php - wpml-config.xml - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/images/items/helper.png - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-menu.php - js/scripts.js - languages/ - languages/pt_BR.po - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Button - Muffin Builder Item (with align parameter) * Added: Responsive - Sticky Header on Tablet * Added: Responsive - Menu Button color * Added: Layouts - Header - Minimalist without Header space * Added: New Google Font - Kanit - now 733 fonts available * Fixed: Header - Style Fixed with Admin bar * Fixed: Back To Top button - Sticky with Sliding Footer * Fixed: WebKit-based mobile browsers - Form submit button * Fixed: Muffin Icons - Chrome hack - SVG link * Fixed: Muffin Menu Widget - Single Post - Active link * Fixed: Responsive - Layout Boxed with Header Creative * Fixed: Responsive - HTML lists - Font size * Fixed: Visual Composer - Pricing Item - Featured - List color * Improved: Russian Translation * Demos: Mining, Retouch - footer.php - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/variables.css - fonts/mfn-icons.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/images/items/button.png - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - languages - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: WooCommerce 2.5 Compatibility * Added: Muffin Builder - Column - Background Image & Position * Added: Responsive - Mobile - Transparent header * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Related projects - Count & Columns * Added: Boxed Layout - Side padding * Added: 1 Click Demo - Login & Password fields for HTTP Basic Authentication * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Sliding Box - function_exists() * Fixed: Section - Equal Height of Columns - Padding * Fixed: Column with Contact Form - Background size * Fixed: One Page - Scroll position when Admin Bar active * Fixed: Top Bar Right - Cart Icon - Leave blank to hide cart icon * Fixed: Front page - Latest Posts - Page Title if blog page isn't selected * Fixed: Blog & Portfolio - Related posts - Featured Image * Demos: Sushi, Accountant - functions.php - header.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - style.php - assets/animations/animations.css - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer * - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce * * please update entire folder Because of WooCommerce major changes, please remove current theme folder from FTP and upload new instead
* Added: Before After - Muffin Builder Item * Added: System Status - Admin page with WordPress & Server Environment info * Added: 1 Click Demo - Check if server supports wp_remote_get() * Fixed: Header Creative Right - Responsive OFF * Fixed: Pricing Item - Button Flat - Button without icon * Fixed: Section Full Screen - One section on page - Scrollbar * Fixed: Front page - Latest Posts - 1st post content above posts list * Fixed: prettyPhoto - styling for small screens * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Accordion Item - Icon * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.9.2 * Demos: Fitness, Beauty 2 - functions.php - index.php - style.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/images/items/before_after.png - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/system-status.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Offer Slider Item - HTML lists - Default style * Added: Responsive - Mobile - Option to Change layout from Boxed to Full Witdh * Added: Responsive - Layouts - Alternative Mobile Logo * Fixed: Sticky Header - Dark - Menu background * Fixed: Muffin Menu Widget - Predefined skins - Active link * Improved: Responsive - Section Highlight - Background size * Improved: Responsive - Flat Box Item - Mobile margin * Improved: Brazilian Translation * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.1.6 * Demos: Painter, Design 2 - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/skins/.../style.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/theme-head.php - languages/ - languages/pt_BR.po - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Top Bar Right - Option to show/hide * Added: Blog - Single Post - Both Sidebars * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Both Sidebars * Added: Easy Digital Downloads plugin - Sidebar * Fixed: Offer Slider Item & Shortcode - Thumbs at the bottom - Border for last item * Fixed: Widget - Muffin Recent Posts - Hover animation * Fixed: Shop - Tables - Removed hover * Updated: Translation Files - .po\.mo * Demos: Kindergarten, Ski - functions.php - single-download.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/variables.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/widget-functions.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - languages - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Header Creative - Dropdown submenus * Added: Header Creative - Scrollable - for menu with large amount of items without submenus * Added: Responsive - Pinch Zoom - Option to enable/disable * Added: Dynamic style & script elements - Unique id's * Fixed: Header Simple - Main Menu - Toggle for opening and closing sub menus on click * Fixed: Header Stack Center - Menu Right * Fixed: Pricing Item & Shortcode - Subtitle shown without price * Fixed: Responsive - Shop - Tables * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.9.1 * Demos: Blogger 2, Service - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - js/menu.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Transparent - Top Bar with Menu (for headers at the top) * Added: Header - Minimalist - Without Header space * Added: Hover Color Item & Shortcode - Padding * Added: Testimonials Item & Shortcode - Recalculate slider height on load * Added: Shop - Add to Cart button - Option to show/hide * Added: WooCommerce Shortcode - Products - List Style (columns="0") * Fixed: Portfolio - List Style - Minor navigation fix * Fixed: Fancy Link - White space in link title * Fixed: Shop - List Style - Product Image Style other than default * Fixed: Responsive - WooCommerce Shortcode - Columns * Improved: Parallax - Translate3d - Safari * Improved: Page Speed - Image dimensions * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.1.5 * Demos: Firm, Interior 2 - functions.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Theme Options - Transparent - Header, Content & Footer * Added: Search Results - Not Found - Large graphic message * Added: Visual Composer - Testimonials Item * Added: Visual Composer - Portfolio Item - Filters * Fixed: WordPress 4.4 - Minor css fixes * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Item - Default values * Fixed: Theme Options - Reset to Defaults & Save Changes buttons - TabIndex * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Featured Image - Video & Slider * Fixed: Responsive - Section Full Width - Mobile horizontal margin * Fixed: Visual Composer - Portfolio Item - Order select * Fixed: MailChimp - Form Inputs - Float * Fixed: IE - Header Stack - Menu Center * Improved: Header Transparent - Logo - Position * Improved: Import Demo Data - more class_exists() * Improved: Brazilian Translation (thanks to * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.9 * Demos: Industry, Journey - functions.php - search.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single.php - languages/ - languages/pt_BR.po - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Responsive - Main Menu - Toggle for opening and closing sub menus on click * Added: Subheader - Title HTML tag select * Added: Header Simple - Main Menu - Toggle for opening and closing sub menus on click * Added: Portfolio Masonry Hover Details - Automatic overlay text color (dark/light) * Added: Portfolio Item & Shortcode - Option to use as Related Projects on Single Project page * Added: New Google Fonts - now 732 fonts available * Fixed: Header Modern - Top Bar Left width for some header options * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Image width & align when using small featured image * Fixed: Portfolio - Single Project - Image width & align when using small featured image * Fixed: Master Slider - Minor compatibility fix * Fixed: Shop - Search Results - Sidebar Position * Fixed: Custom Post Types - Unnecessary admin links * Fixed: Responsive - Visual Composer - WooCommerece item * Improved: Responsive - Slider Item - Size increased on mobile * Improved: Header Overlay Menu - Logo - Position & size * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.1.4 * Demos: Carver, Science - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/menu.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: RTL - Muffin Builder * Added: Parallax - Translate3d * Added: Portfolio - Style: List - Background color select * Fixed: Layout Boxed - Menu align right - Magamenu with background * Fixed: Header Split Semitransparent - Sticky Header * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Related Posts - Iframe width * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Vertical Photo - Featured Image | Hide * Fixed: Shop - Search Results - Keyword * Fixed: Shop - Minor PHP notice * Fixed: RTL - Shop - Minor CSS fixes * Demos: Hotel 2, Moving 2 - functions.php - rtl.css - style-responsive.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - js/parallax * - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fonts.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php * new We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Responsive - Wider Fluid Grid * Added: Blog - Hide comments icon if comments off * Added: Theme Options - Background color for Boxed Layout * Fixed: Image Item - Bottom gap * Fixed: Mega Menu - Align menu to right * Fixed: Sidebar Height - Recalculate on ajaxComplete * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Header without slider * Fixed: CSS - Order of files * Improved: Nice Scroll - Background Parallax Fix * Improved: Hash Smooth Scroll (.scroll) * Improved: Theme Options - Field with slider - Value can be typed in using the keyboard * Updated plugins: Nice Scroll 3.6.6 Revolution Slider 5.1.3 * Demos: Billiard, Business 2 - functions.php - style-responsive.php * - style.css - style.php - assets/jplayer/css/ - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-post.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/sliderbar/field_sliderbar.js - muffin-options/fields/sliderbar/field_sliderbar.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ * new We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Responsive Menu Initial width select (768px - 1240px) * Added: Blog - Filters - Option to show/hide * Added: Blog - Filters - Option to show only Categories, Tags or Authors * Added: Blog Item - Filters - Option to show only Categories, Tags or Authors * Added: Portfolio - Filters - Option to show only Categories * Added: Theme Options - Font Family - Decorative font select * Added: Header Creative - Option to fold last 2 submenus to the top * Added: Header Overlay Menu - Active menu link color * Added: Background Position - Repeat - Option to repeat-x * Added: WooCommerce 2.4.10 Compatibility * Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry Flat * Fixed: Portfolio - Category Page - Header Image or Slider * Fixed: Shop - Single Product Link - Filters for some plugins * Fixed: WordPress 4.4 Beta 4 - Minor css fixes * Deprecated: 960px Grid - Please use "Grid Width" option instead * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.1.1 Visual Composer 4.8.1 * Demos: Xmas, Renovate 2 - functions.php - header.php - index.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - template-portfolio.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css * - css/responsive-1240.css * - css/responsive-off.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - woocommerce/single-product/price.php - woocommerce/content-product.php * removed We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Portfolio - Style: Exposure * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Template: Builder * Added: Portfolio - Filters - Option to show/hide * Added: Portfolio Item & Shortcode - Style: Exposure * Added: Share Box - Option to show/hide on mobile * Fixed: Portfolio - Full Width - Margin * Fixed: Section - Full Screen - Height changed to min-height * Fixed: Menu Highlight - Active parent * Fixed: How it Works Item - Image position on page with sidebar * Fixed: Shop - Button Stroke - "Proceed to checkout" button color * Fixed: Visual Composer - Button - Scroll to section * Fixed: Portfolio - Style: List - custom Grid Width - Wrapper & Image sizes (please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all portfolio images) * Demos: Exposure, Burger - functions.php - single-portfolio.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - template-portfolio.php - css/skins/.../style.css - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/variables.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/back.php - functions/importer - functions/meta-page.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/theme-functions.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/img/select/portfolio/exposure.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Parallax - Option to select parallax plugin * Fixed: Parallax - Scroll direction - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style.css - functions/builder/front.php - functions/theme-head.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php
* Added: Button - Flat Style * Added: Blog - Single Post - Related posts - Count & Columns * Added: Muffin Builder - Back to top button * Added: Footer - Padding * Added: Popup Contact Form - WPML Translation Tag * Added: Dropcap Item & Shortcode - Sizes: 1-3 * Fixed: Footer - Style Stick with Admin bar * Fixed: Sticky Header - Header Stack - Menu Center * Fixed: Sticky Back to Top button with hidden Copyright area * Fixed: Responsive - Header Stack - Logo * Fixed: Visual Editor Item - Switch to HTML * Improved: Parallax backgrounds * Updated plugins: Nice Scroll 3.6 TGM Plugin Activation 2.5.2 Visual Composer 4.8 * Demos: Farmer, Profile - footer.php - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - wpml-config.xml - css/base.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer * - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-single.php - js/plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/img * - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ * please update entire folder We recommend that you update the entire theme folder
* Added: Muffin Builder - Wrap Attributes - background, padding, custom class * Added: Muffin Builder - Item & Wrap - Sizes: 2/5, 3/5, 4/5, 5/6 * Added: Header Style - Split Menu Semitransparent * Added: Footer Style - Stick to bottom if content is too short * Added: Header Simple - Show Action Bar * Added: Subheader - Padding & Font Size * Added: Shop - Single Product - Option to use tabs instead of accordion * Added: Visual Composer - Blog Item - Filters & Greyscale * Fixed: Search Results - Minor layout fixes * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Highlight Section - Use wraps instead of columns * Fixed: Header Stack - Menu Center * Fixed: Blog - Filters - Filter by author * Fixed: Sidebar - Recalculation of height when accordion toggle * Fixed: Mailchimp - Button visibility * Improved: Theme Options - Subheader * Updated: Minor code cleanup * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.1 * Demos: Horse Riding, Copywriter - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - index.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - assets * - css * - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer * - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js * - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/img/select/header/split-semi.png - muffin-options/js/options.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php * please update entire folder We recommend that you update the entire theme directory
* Added: Search - Muffin Builder content included in search results * Added: Muffin Builder - Sections - Option to hide * Added: Muffin Builder - Vector Icons * Added: Muffin Builder - Item default size is 1/1 when adding to small wrap * Added: Main Menu - Option to fold 2 last submenus to the left * Added: Responsive - HTML Tables * Added: Visual Composer - Blog Item - Additional options * Added: Brazilian Translation * Fixed: Header Creative Right - Submenus * Fixed: Gallery - Masonry - 2 columns * Fixed: Gallery - Masonry - Google Chrome - Images loading * Fixed: One Page - Hash smooth navigation * Fixed: Revolution Slider - Input fields - float * Improved: Shop - My Account - New layout * Updated: Translation Files - Muffin Builder 3 - .po\.mo * Child Theme: Version 1.6 * Demos: Notebook, Dietitian - functions.php - header.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/builder/css/style.css - functions/builder/js/scripts.js - functions/builder/back.php - functions/builder/front.php - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/myaccount/my-account.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory
* Added: Muffin Builder 3.0 - Added new containers “wrap” for building more advanced layouts (see: Investment layout) - Easier to add items with image icons, tabs and smart search - Modified design with better readability - Improved performance and speed - Reduced amount of transferred and saved data * Added: Widget - Muffin Recent Comments - Retrieve the date in localized format * Fixed: Header Creative Right - Nice Scroll * Fixed: Responsive - Header Plain - Minimalist Header * Fixed: Shop - Action restored - woocommerce_after_single_product_summary * Improved: Main Style - Simple - Chart - Line Width * Demos: Investment, Handmade - functions.php - style.css - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - functions * - js/scripts.js - muffin-options * - woocommerce/content-single-product.php * please update entire folder We recommend that you update the entire theme directory
* Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.7.4 - plugins/
* Added: [BETA] Muffin Builder 3.0 * Added: Gallery - Masonry & Masonry Flat Style [style="masonry" || style="masonry flat"] * Fixed: Hover Box - Line Height * Fixed: Shop - Increased Quantity field width * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.7.3 * Plugins: Compatibility tested Ads Pro 2.7 - Ad Manager * Demos: Club, Space - functions.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/fonts.php - plugins/
* Fixed: Header Creative - Footer Fixed & Sliding * Fixed: Sidebar Widget Item - Border * Improved: Responsive - Gallery * Improved: RTL Support * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.0.9 Visual Composer 4.7.2 * Plugins: Compatibility tested Bowe Codes 2.1 - BuddyPress shortcodes * Demos: Buddy, Lab - functions.php - rtl.css - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options-rtl.css - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/img/select/shop/grid-4.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Header Creative Right * Added: Header Creative Right: Always Open * Added: Header Magazine - Show Action Bar * Added: Tabs Item & Shortcode - Centered Tabs option * Added: Force Slider for all Pages * Added: Custom Font - Styles are always included * Added: Shop - Single Product - Product Title in Subheader option * Added: Russian Translation * Fixed: Layout Boxed - Sticky Header * Fixed: Blog - Single Post - Structured Data * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Structured Data * Fixed: Shop - Shortcodes - Columns select (1-5) * Improved: Portfolio - Masonry Flat * Improved: Portuguese Translation * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider Visual Composer * Demos: ASG, Zoo - functions.php - header-shop.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - css/ui/jquery.ui.all.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/img/select - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - woocommerce/loop/loop-start.php - woocommerce/single-product/review.php - woocommerce/single-product/title.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Quick Fix: Jetpack 3.7 * Improved: Dynamic Styles in header * Added: Theme Options - Sections * Added: Page Options, Post Options, etc. - Sections * Added: Blog - Masonry Tiles style * Added: Blog Item - Masonry Tiles style * Added: 52 Google Fonts - now 728 fonts available * Fixed: Visual Composer - Frontend Editor - Muffin Builder items save * Fixed: Load More - Greyscale * Removed: Unused Colorpicker files * Demos: Journalist, Simple - functions.php - index.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-static.css - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/meta-post.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - images/blog_masonry_tile_gradient.png - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-post.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/info/field_info.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Header Search Form - Default WordPress filters * Added: Shop Slider Shortcode - Featured, Onsale, Best Selling Products * Fixed: Muffin Builder - Item Edit - Close button z-index * Updated plugins: Layer Slider 5.6.2 Revolution Slider 5.0.6 Visual Composer 4.7 * Plugins: Compatibility tested [beta] Easy Digital Downloads 2.4.3 * Demos: Voyager, Extreme - functions.php - searchform.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/variables.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - includes/header-top-area.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Responsive - Popup Item - Max Width * Added: Option to disable some theme features - Entrance Animations * Fixed: Boxed Layout - Boxed Sticky Header width * Fixed: Sticky Header - Plain, Full Width, Right Menu - spacing between menus and icons * Fixed: Portfolio - Disable Details - Duplicated prettyPhoto images * Fixed: Search Results - Author page link * Fixed: Accordion Shortcode - openAll option * Fixed: FAQ Shortcode - openAll option * Fixed: Shop - Hover Product Image - Double links * Updated: Slider Item - increased size of images (please use Force Regenerate Thumbnails plugin for all slider images) * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.0.5 * Demos: Tuning, Typo - functions.php - search.php - style.css - style.php - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Apple Touch Icon * Added: Slider Item & Shortcode - Image with Description style * Added: Header Search - Focus on search input * Fixed: Under Construction - excluded files: xmlrpc.php & wp-cron.php * Updated: Muffin Builder - Minor code cleanup * Demos: Glasses, Smart - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/meta-slide.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: WordPress 4.3 Compatibility * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider - functions.php - style.css - functions/widget-flickr.php - functions/widget-login.php - functions/widget-menu.php - functions/widget-recent-comments.php - functions/widget-recent-posts.php - functions/widget-tag-cloud.php - plugins/
* Added: WooCommerce 2.4.x Compatibility * Added: Muffin Builder - HTML Tag (insert/wrap) buttons for textarea fields * Added: Sliding Top - Button position select * Added: Blog Shortcode - Option to show filters (for Masonry style) * Added: Portfolio Shortcode - Option to show filters * Added: Layouts & Templates - Option to disable some theme features * Added: Visual Composer - Contact Box Item - Additional Phone number & Fax number * Fixed: Portfolio Shortcode - Margin & Background below photo * Fixed: Revolution Slider 5.x - Page Options - Sliders list * Fixed: Visual Composer - Our Team Item - Circle style * Fixed: Compatibility tested Post Tags and Categories for Pages 1.3 (breadcrumbs fixed) * Demos: Decor, Taxi - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-sliding-area.php - muffin-options/fields/textarea/field_textarea.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/single-product/tabs/additional-information.php - woocommerce/single-product/tabs/description.php - woocommerce/single-product/tabs/tabs.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Blog - Single Post - Custom Menu * Added: Portfolio - Single Post - Custom Menu * Improved: Visual Composer Frontend editor - Sticky Header * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 5.0.2 * Demos: Karting, Builder * Revolution Slider Demos: Revolution Slider 5.0 demos - functions.php - style.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-menu.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Layout select for all projects * Added: Main Style - Simple - Chart Box & Quick Fact * Added: Shop - Single Product - Option to remove sidebar * Added: Under Construction - Option to hide the Counter * Improved: Theme Functions - more function_exists() * Fixed: Responsive - Header Creative - Menu button * Fixed: Responsive - Section Full Width * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.6.2 * Demos: Wine, Coaching - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - under-construction.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/style-simple.css - css/variables.css - functions/importer - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Theme Options - Content Padding - Option to remove for all pages/posts without sidebar * Added: Header Below - Action Bar * Added: Portfolio - Disable Details - Open image as prettyPhoto gallery * Added: Contact Box Item & Shortcode - Additional Phone number & Fax number * Added: Main Style: Simple - Trailer Box & Timeline items * Fixed: Header - Full Width * Fixed: Menu - Active for items with class current-page-ancestor * Fixed: Visual Composer - Contact Form 7 Item above another item in the same column * Fixed: Layer Slider - PHP warning (foreach) * Demos: Surfing, Garden - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Grid Width - Select grid width 960px - 1920px * Added: Responsive - Alternative Mobile Logo * Added: Blog Masonry - Full Width style * Added: Blog Masonry - Select number of Columns (up to 6) * Added: Blog - Category Page - Header Slider (the same as on blog page) * Added: Blog Item & Shortcode - Select number of Columns (up to 6) * Added: Main Style Select - Style Simple - Article Box, Skills, Sliding Box, Testimonials * Added: Feature List Item & Shortcode - Select number of Columns (up to 6) * Added: Testimonials Item & Shortcode - Placeholder for testimonials without photo * Added: Testimonials Item & Shortcode - Single Photo Style - Option to hide photos * Added: Breadcrumbs - Single Project - Category shown in the path * Added: Section - Style select - Full Width without margins * Improved: Import Demo Data - Theme Options - Multisite * Fixed: Responsive - Portfolio Masonry - Item Width * Fixed: Breadcrumbs - Single Post without category * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.6.1 * Demos: Software, Library - functions.php - index.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style-static.css - style.css - style.php - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - images/testimonials-placeholder.png - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Portfolio - Select number of Columns select (up to 6) * Added: Portfolio Item & Shortcode - Select number of Columns (up to 6) * Added: Testimonials Item & Shortcode - Single Photo Style * Added: Testimonials Item - Sizes: 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 * Improved: Responsive - Portfolio 4 columns - change to 3 if less than 960px * Fixed: Image Item & Shortcode - Greyscale - Hover * Fixed: Image Item & Shortcode - Style: Overlay - Hover * Fixed: Gravity Forms - UI Datepicker - Styles * Fixed: Hover Color Item & Shortcode - Minor HTML bug * Fixed: Hover Color Shortcode - Content field * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.6 Envato WordPress Toolkit 1.7.3 * Demos: Ice Cream, Digital - functions.php - style.css - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - template-portfolio.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Theme Options - Import - Option to import Theme Options using 1-click demo files * Added: Video Item - HTML5 video parameters (autoplay, cotrols, loop, muted) * Added: Counter Item & Shortcode - Prefix field * Added: Quick Fact Item & Shortcode - Prefix field * Added: Hover Box - Images alternative text * Added: Hover Box & Zoom Box - Option to open link in prettyPhoto * Fixed: Visual Composer - Portfolio Item - Style: Masonry Hover Description * Fixed: Sticky Header - Initial scroll distance * Fixed: Single Post - Vertical Image - Featured Image | Hide * Fixed: Responsive - Button Stroke with Icon * Fixed: Visual Composer - Portfolio Item - Minor CSS fix * Fixed: Portfolio - Style List - List Header - Min Height * Fixed: Entrance Animations - Enqueue Scripts Order * Demos: Interactive, Constructor - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Image Frames - Style: Overlay * Added: Shop - Option to show/hide description of products on shop page * Added: Pricing Item & Shortcode - Currency Position * Added: Social Icon - Tumblr * Fixed: Breadcrumbs - Blog - Removed redundant icon at the end * Fixed: Sliding Footer - Content margin * Updated plugins: Layer Slider 5.4.0 * Plugins: Compatibility tested Gravity Forms * Demos: Media, Agro - footer.php - functions.php - style.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/variables.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Header - Search - Style: Input * Added: Tooltip Image - Multiple tooltips on page * Added: 1-Click Demo Data - Option to disable admin page * Added: Blog Item, Portfolio Item - Filters - Translation Tag * Added: Option to select Table Prefix - Useful for some Multisite installation * Added: Style Simple - Progress Bars * Improved: Hover Box Item - Alignment of images * Improved: Clients Item - Greyscale Effect - Alignment of images * Fixed: Custom 404 Page - WordPres Editor Content * Fixed: Responsive - Hover - Hover Box, Tooltip * Fixed: Widget - Muffin Menu - Minor PHP Notice * Updated: Translation Files - .po\.mo * Updated plugins: PrettyPhoto 3.1.6 - latest stable and secure version Visual Composer 4.5.3 * Demos: Cosmetics * Child Theme - Version 1.5 - 404.php - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-menu.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/jquery.plugins.js - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Column Builder Item - Background color * Added: Column Builder Item - Padding * Added: Header Fixed - Action Bar * Added: Widget - Muffin Menu - Active Page * Improved: Reorganized Section Options * Fixed: Portfolio - Style: List - With Sidebar - Padding * Fixed: Widget - Muffin Menu - Active Page * Fixed: Visual Composer - Header Creative - Stretch Row * Fixed: Visual Composer - Map - removed Styles option * Demos: Jet, Dentist - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/widget-menu.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Fixed: Gallery - Link to Media File - prettyPhoto - functions.php - style.css - js/scripts.js
* Added: Muffin Builder - Templates * Added: Muffin Builder - Import - Replace current content or Insert before/after current content * Added: Blog Item - Style: Masonry - Filters * Added: Breadcrumbs - Option to disable last item link * Added: Visual Composer - Map - Type, controls, draggable, marker icon, styles, multiple markers * Added: WPML - Custom Switcher - Option to link to home of language for missing translations * Fixed: Gallery - Link to Attachment Page - prettyPhoto disabled * Fixed: Countdown Item & Under Construction - Number size & color * Fixed: Accordion, FAQ & Tabs Items - .sortable('destroy') * Fixed: One Page - Full Screen Sections with navigation * Fixed: Button style: Stroke - Offer Slider * Demos: Transfer, Krav Maga - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - index.php - style.css - template-portfolio.php - under-construction.php - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/meta-template.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Main Style Select - Portfolio - Filters * Added: Portfolio - Masonry Hover Details Style * Added: Portfolio Item & Shortcode - Masonry Hover Details Style * Added: Gallery - Fancy Style [style="fancy"] * Added: Top Bar - WPML Flags - Styles: Langauge Name, Language Code * Added: Responsive - Top Bar Icons - Align select & Option to hide * Added: Hover Color Item & Shortcode - Class field * Fixed: RTL - Theme Options * Fixed: Shop - Quantity Input * Fixed: Visual Composer - Info Box - background image * Fixed: Responsive - WPML - Langauge Switcher * Fixed: Responsive - Gallery 1 Column * Plugins: Compatibility tested Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order 1.4.2 * Demos: Showcase, Cafe - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - css/variables.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - includes/header-top-bar-right.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options-rtl.css - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: SVG Logo width * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - Map Type select * Added: Quick Fact Item & Shortcode - Symbol next to number, e.g. % * Added: Shop - Layout: List - Add to Cart button * Added: Zoom Box - Shortcode * Fixed: Builder Items - Textarea - Google Chrome 43.0.2357.65 * Fixed: Comments Form - Input & textarea width * Fixed: Offer Slider Thumb Item - Button link * Fixed: Header Plain - Menu Right with Action Button - Menu width * Fixed: Shop - Quantity input height * Optimized: Theme images * Updated plugins: Visual Composer 4.5.2 TouchSwipe jQuery Plugin 1.6.6 * Demo: Bike Rental - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/jquery.plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Main Style Select - Icon Box, Opening Hours * Added: Slider Item - Carousel Style * Added: Shop Page with Slider - Option to show Subheader * Improved: One Page with Active on Scroll - Performance * Fixed: Portfolio Category - Ajax Load More * Fixed: Header Plain - Button Stroke - Action Button * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 4.6.93 * Demo: Massage - functions.php - header-shop.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - css/base.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/style-simple.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - js/scripts.js We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: [alpha] Main Style Select * Added: Layouts - Sticky Header Logo & Sticky Retina Logo * Added: Retina.js - Option to disable * Added: RTL - Flat Box Item & Shortcode * Improved: Creative Header - jQuery .live() replaced by .on() * Improved: Theme Functions - more function_exists() * Fixed: Overlay Menu - Font Select * Fixed: Internet Explorer - Image width & height attributes from image meta * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 4.6.92 Visual Composer 4.5.1 * Demos: Call Center - functions.php - rtl.css - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/style-simple.css - css/variables.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-layout.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/jquery.plugins.js - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/img/select/style - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Menu Styles and Options * Added: Portfolio Item - Filters * Added: Table - Option to disable hover * Added: Popup Contact Form - Icon select * Fixed: Hader Plain - Menu align right * Fixed: Blog - Unclosed tag typo * Fixed: Portfolio - Project Details - Translation Tags * Fixed: Go to Top button - Option to hide * Updated plugins: Revolution Slider 4.6.91 Visual Composer 4.5 * Demos: Golf - footer.php - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - under-construction.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive-off.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-portfolio.php - includes/content-post.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Header - Plain style * Added: Blog - Photo style * Added: Go to Top button - Sticky, Sticky show on scroll * Added: SEO - Builder Items - Image width & height attributes from image meta * Fixed: WordPress 4.2 compatibility - Mega Menu labels * Fixed: Responsive - Sticky Menu Button with Admin Bar * Fixed: One Page Menu - '#' Menu links * Demos: Car Rental, Church, Estate, Shop, Theater * Revolution Slider Demos: 4.6.9 compatibility - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-mega-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/img/select/header/plain.png - muffin-options/img/photo.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Fixed: SECURITY XSS vulnerability * Fixed: WooCommerce 2.3.8 - Cart * Updated plugins: TGM Plugin Activation 2.4.1 Revolution Slider 4.6.9 Visual Composer 4.4.4 * Tested version: WordPress 4.1.2 Compatibility - footer.php - functions.php - style.css - under-construction.php - css/layout.css - functions/class-tgm-plugin-activation.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-mega-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/content-post.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ - plugins/ - woocommerce/cart/cart.php
* Improved: Muffin Options Reorganized Menu & Options Placement Full Width Layout New Header Style Select * Added: prettyPhoto - Multiple Galleries * Added: Contact Form 7 in Popup shortcode * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - Draggable - enable/disable/disable-mobile * Added: Love Box - Option to show/hide * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Demos: Flower, Lawyer, Band, Wedding, Transport, Developer - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - languages - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php - muffin-options/fields/sliderbar/field_sliderbar.php - muffin-options/fields/switch/field_switch.php - muffin-options/fields/upload/field_upload.php - muffin-options/img/select - muffin-options/img/ico-nav.png - muffin-options/theme-options.phpPlease notice, this update will reorganise all theme options. If you want to check them before update, please look in the documentation.
* Added: Section - Equal Height of Columns * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - Unique Icon for each Marker * Added: Visual Editor Item - Switch to HTML * Added: Social Icons - Xing * Added: BuddyPress plugin - Sidebar * Fixed: Accordion & FAQ - Plus & Minus icons * Plugins: Compatibility tested Cookie Law Info 1.2.1 - show your website complies with the EU Cookie Law * Demos: Gym, Translator, Handyman - footer.php - functions.php - sidebar.php - style.css - css/grid.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/widget-functions.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Story Box - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: One Page with Active on Scroll for Visual Composer Rows * Added: Header Search - Option to search Shop Products only * Added: prettyPhoto - Option to disable on mobile only * Added: Option to disable some theme features - Mega Menu * Improved: Builder 2 SEO - Processing images & links * Improved: Responsive - Gallery * Fixed: Icon Box - compatibility with other items with prettyphoto class * Demos: School, Story, Factory - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/skins/../style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-menu.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Page, Single Post & Single Project - Force Both Sidebars * Added: Responsive - Option to automatically decrease font size * Added: Footer Call to Action & Copyrights - do_shortcode() * Added: Template Blank - Theme Hooks * Plugins: Compatibility tested WooCommerce Quick View 1.1.3 * Demos: Resume, Sport, Recipes - footer.php - functions.php - sidebar.php - style.css - style.php - template-blank.php - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-page.php - functions/theme-head.php - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Shop - Show Secondary product image on Hover * Added: Responsive - Wide Wrapper on Mobile * Added: Map Item - Option to show/hide specified Map Controls * Added: Muffin Builder - Translation Tags * Added: Child Theme - Static CSS can be placed in Child Theme directory * Improved: Custom CSS & JS - Increased size of the fields * Fixed: Responsive - Offer Slider Thumb - Thumbnails * Fixed: Shop - Product - OnSale Badge position * Fixed: Button & Call to Action Items - multiple classes with prettyphoto * Fixed: Offer Slider Thumb - Thumbnails vertical align * Demos: OnePage, Store, Animals * Child Theme - Version 1.4 - functions.php - style.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/upload/field_upload.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/content-product.php
* Added: Zoom Box - Builder Item * Added: Page Options - Subheader Background Image * Added: Logo Options - Wrap/unwrap in H1 tag * Added: Boxed Layout - Sticky Header - Boxed Style * Added: Contact Form 7 - Styles for various field types * Added: Header - Action Button - Scroll to specified Section * Added: Header Split Menu - Search Icon * Improved: Builder 2 SEO - Processing tabs content * Improved: Revolution Slider - Navigation Styles * Improved: Child Theme - more function_exists() * Fixed: Offer Slider Thumb - Active Thumbnail * Fixed: Shop - My Account - Button & Font size * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.4.3 * Demos: Travel, Web Design, Safari - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - style.php - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/variables.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/meta-page.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php - plugins/ We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Header - Overlay Menu * Added: Post Types - Option to disable selected Post Type (Clients, Offer, Portfolio, ...) * Added: Shop - Product Image - Option to disable Image Frames if you want to use external plugin * Added: Builder Items - Custom Classes field * Improved - Responsive - Comments * Improved - RTL Support - Headers, Main Menu, Blog Images, Author Box, Comments * Fixed: Shop - Checkout - Form Validation Messages - Close button * Fixed: Child Theme - Parent Theme Styles - Load once * Fixed: Child Theme - Load Parent RTL Styles * Fixed: Contact Form 7 - Message - Email Sent * Plugins: Compatibility tested (below plugins works only with theme option Shop - Product Image set to External) WooCommerce Additional Variation Images 1.5.0 YITH Woocommerce Featured Video 1.1.1 * Demos: University, Advertisement Agency, Congress * Child Theme - Version 1.3 - functions.php - rtl.css - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/skins/.../style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-menu.php - functions/widget-functions.php - includes/header-creative.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/img/select/header-overlay.png - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-image.php - woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php - woocommerce/content-single-product.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Header - Menu Below Slider with Split Menu * Added: Portfolio - Category - Option to change permalink slug * Added: Footer Copyright & Social Bar - Option to Center content * Added: Gallery Shortcode - Option to disable if you want to use external gallery plugin * Added: Premium Plugins - Option to disable "bundled" option for plugin you have purchased * Added: Theme Options - WPML Installer page (WPML not included) * Improved - Parallax - iPad & iPhone - Background Sizing * Fixed: Blog Page & Portfolio Page - Description * Fixed: Demo Data - Menu Locations * Fixed: Shop - Cart - Variations - Minor CSS Fix * Plugins: Compatibility tested Facebook Open Graph, Google+ and Twitter Card Tags 1.5.2 * Demos: Photo, Steak House, Video - footer.php - functions.php - header-shop.php - header.php - index.php - style.css - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - template-portfolio.php - css/grid.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/meta-portfolio.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/fields/custom - muffin-options/img/select/header-below-split.png - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Sticky Header - Different Logo * Added: Single Post & Single Portfolio - Headings Select * Added: Muffin Builder - Placeholder Item * Added: prettyPhoto - Style Select * Added: Main Menu - Items with submenu - Arrows * Added: Shop Slider Item - Best Selling Products * Improved: Video Item - Responsive Height * Improved: Visual Composer - Boxed Layout - Row stretch * Improved: Header Empty - Sticky Responsive Menu Button * Improved: Progress Bars Item - Minor HTML change * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - default sidebar (after theme update to version 6.5) * Fixed: Logo - Minor CSS Height Fix * Demos: Restaurant, Clinic, Play - functions.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive-960.css - css/responsive-1240.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/css/mfn.builder.css - functions/importer - functions/js/mfn.builder.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - images/prettyPhoto - includes/content-single-portfolio.php - includes/content-single.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Footer Layouts - ( 50% + 25% + 25%, etc. ) * Added: Header - Full Width Style * Added: Blog Slider - Flat Style * Added: Shop - Sidebar - Left or Right * Added: Visual Composer - Clients - Greyscale Effect * Improved: Sidebar Height * Improved: Hash Smooth Scroll (.scroll) * Plugins: Compatibility tested [beta] BuddyPress 2.2.0 * Demos: Hotel, Fashion, Disco - 404.php - footer.php - functions.php - header-shop.php - index.php - page.php - style.css - taxonomy-portfolio-types.php - under-construction.php - css/layout.css - css/shortcodes.css - functions/importer - functions/plugins/visual-composer.php - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - functions/theme-woocommerce.php - js/scripts.js - muffin-options/theme-options.php Because of WooCommerce major changes, please remove current theme folder from FTP and upload new instead.
* Added: WooCommerce 2.3 Compatibility * Added: Action Button - Link target * Added: Pricing Item & Shortcode - Button link target * Added: Table - Simple style - (table.simple) * Added: Counter, Quick Fact - Option to disable math animation * Added: Theme Options - Theme version info * Fixed: Greyscale Effect * Fixed: Shop - My Account - Login error message * Fixed: Header Creative - Sticky mobile menu button * Fixed: Revolution Slider - Thumbnails z-index * Fixed: Blank Page & Under Construction - Theme Options - Sidebar * Plugins: Compatibility tested Advanced Excerpt 4.2.3 WordPress Reset 1.3.3 * Demos: Mechanic, Bar, Fix - functions.php - style-colors.php - style-one.php - style.css - css/layout.css - css/responsive.css - css/shortcodes.css - css/woocommerce.css - functions/importer - functions/tinymce/plugin.js - functions/meta-functions.php - functions/theme-functions.php - functions/theme-head.php - functions/theme-shortcodes.php - includes/header-top-area.php - js/jquery.plugins.js - muffin-options/css/options.css - muffin-options/options.php - muffin-options/theme-options.php - woocommerce We recommend that you update the entire theme directory.
* Added: Blog - Dual Sidebars * Added: Blog Slider - Image links to details * Added: Offer Slider Thumb - Thumbnails at the bottom * Added: WPML String Translation - Blog & Portfolio, Error 404 * Added: Persian Translation - thanks to * Improved: Theme Options - Functions can be overridden in Child Theme * Improved: Child Theme - Load Child Style after Parent Theme Styles * Fixed: Portfolio - Hover Title with Link to popup image * Fixed: Icon Box with Button or Link * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.4.1 * Demos: Spa, Coffee, Finance
* Added: Blog News - Item & Shortcode * Added: Subheader - Option to show on pages with Slider * Fixed: Sidebar Width select * Fixed: Header Creative - Subheader * Fixed: Events Calendar plugin - Content padding * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.4.1 * Updated: TGM Plugin Activation - version 2.4 * Demos: Parallax, Cleaner, IT Services
* Added: Header - Split Menu Style * Added: Section - Inner Columns - Flat Style (option to remove all margins) * Added: Single Post - Layout select for all posts * Added: Icons - 77 new icons (410 available) * Added: Social Icons - Viadeo * Added: Portfolio Photo Item - Link target * Added: Map Item - Option to remove border * Improved: Muffin Pagination * Updated: Translation Files - .po\.mo * Fixed: Header Stack - Sticky Header - placeholder height * Demos: Renovate, Jeweler
* Added: Buttons - Stroke Style * Added: White Label Admin Panel (see the documentation) * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Force Layout & Sidebar * Added: Portfolio - Active Category Highlight * Added: Portfolio - jQuery filtering - Open category by link (portfolio/?cat=category-slug) * Added: Blog - Single Post - Option to disable Featured Image zoom * Added: Sliding Top - Icon select * Added: Fancy Heading Item - More builder sizes * Improved: Pingdom Website Speed Test - 99/100 * Improved: Structured Data - hCard * Fixed: Blog - Timeline - Post width * Fixed: Button - compatibility with other items with prettyphoto class * Fixed: Revolution Slider - Static Layers - z-index * Fixed: Translate - Search Placeholder - textdomain * Fixed: Translate - Post Navigation - date * Plugins: Compatibility tested Custom Login 2.4 - Custom Login Screen * Updated: Child Theme * Demos: Creative, Records
* Added: Image Item & Shortcode - Width & Height * Added: Main menu - Option to hide main menu * Added: prettyPhoto - Option to show image alternative text above frame * Added: Slider Item - More builder sizes * Improved: RTL - Portfolio, Blog & Shop - Masonry * Fixed: Portfolio - Ajax Load More - isotope reLayout * Fixed: Blog - Password Protected Posts * Fixed: Single Post - Tags - PHP Notice * Fixed: Shop - Cart - Product name color on hover * Fixed: RTL - Minor CSS Fixes * Demos: Hosting, Politics, Pole Dance
* Added: Blog Category - Custom Sidebars * Added: Portfolio Category - Custom Sidebars * Added: Google Map Item & Shortcode - Unlimited Markers * Added: Pricing Item & Shortcode - Icon select * Added: Portfolio - Option to disable project details * Fixed: Header Creative - Error 404, Under Construction & Blank Page * Fixed: Shop - Category - Layout * Fixed: RTL - Main Menu - 3rd level * Fixed: Portfolio Category - without description * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.3.5 * Demos: Marketing, Launch, Energy
* Added: Google Fonts - Specify which Style should be downloaded - Impact on page load time * Added: Shop - Grid 4 Columns Layout * Added: Shop - List Layout - 1 Column with excerpt * Improved: WordPress 4.1 Compatibility * Fixed: Responsive - Header Creative - Action Button * Fixed: Gallery & Image Frame with prettyphoto - compatibility * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Minor CSS Fixes * Demos: Design, Tattoo, Yoga
* Added: Error 404 - Custom Page * Added: Under Construction - Custom Page * Added: Creative Header - Banner * Added: Theme Options - RTL Support * Added: WPML Languages Flags - Horizontal Style & option to hide * Added: Shop Slider Item - Featured & Onsale Products * Improved: Responsive - Header Creative Always Open * Updated: Retina.js - version 1.3.0 * Fixed: Responsive - Boxed Layout & Classic Header * Fixed: Shop - Minor CSS Fixes * Plugins: Compatibility tested Global Content Blocks 2.0.1 - Custom Shortcodes WordPress Icons - SVG 2.3.3 - option to Import a Custom Icon Pack * Demos: Event, Insurance, Driving School
* Added: Newsletter - MailChimp plugin * Added: Section - Inner Columns - margin bottom * Added: Section - Background Image - Option to disable in responsive mode * Added: Single Post - Option to hide Featured Image in post details * Added: Google Font Shortcode - Font color, style & weight * Added: Video Item & Shortcode - YouTube & Vimeo - Custom parameters * Improved: One Page Menu * Improved: Subheader - Option to show\hide (php instead of css) * Improved: Import Demo Data - Multisite * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6.5 * Fixed: Password Protected - Posts & Pages * Fixed: Gallery & Call to Action with prettyphoto - compatibility * Fixed: Shop - Single Product - Up-Sell Products layout * Plugins: Compatibility tested MailChimp List Subscribe Form MailChimp for WordPress * Demos: Blogger, Vision,
* Added: Theme Hooks * Added: Subheader Transparency Level * Added: Portfolio - Link to Popup Image instead of Details * Added: Prefix for CSS Files IDs * Improved: Sticky Header with Minimalist Header * Fixed: Menu - Minor PHP Notice * Fixed: bbPress - Single forum * Removed: Header - Default Background (can be uploaded from theme \images folder) * Removed: Portfolio - Entrance Animation * Updated: Isotope - version 2.1 * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6.4 * Demos: Medic, PR Agency, Model
* Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Layout Select * Added: Blog - Single Post - Navigate in the same category * Added: Shop - Single Product - Up-Sell Products * Added: Shop - Single Product - Product Variations - image swapping * Fixed: Internet Explorer 11 - Theme Options - Image Select * Fixed: Creative Header - Responsive Menu Button Text * Fixed: H6 - Font Family * Fixed: Skins - Muffin Menu - Active * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Demos: Press, Baker, Language School
* Added: Sidebar - Custom Width select * Added: Subheader - Title & Breadcrumbs Styles * Added: Content Display Order - Muffin Builder or WordPress Content * Added: Counter Item & Shortcode - Symbol next to number, e.g. % * Added: Hover Effects - Option to disable in responsive mode * Fixed: Portfolio - Masonry Flat - Item Height * Fixed: WP Version check issue * Fixed: Google Fonts naming issue * Fixed: Minor PHP Notices * Demos: Beauty, Furniture, Security
* Added: Popup Contact Form * Added: Page Title - Font Family select * Added: Portfolio - Flat 4 Columns Layout * Added: Portfolio - Single Project - Comments * Added: Portfolio - Image and Title Link target * Added: Shop - Masonry Layout with short description * Added: Shop - Slider for Category and Single Product * Added: Shop - Single Product - "Show all" translation * Added: New Google Fonts - now 676 fonts available * Improved: Responsive Off - Menu style * Fixed: Sidebar Height * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Demos: Portfolio, Architect, Museum
* Fixed: Main Menu - Active
* Added: Google Maps API v3 Styled Maps * Added: Single Post & Portfolio Item - Header Image * Added: Our Team Item & Shortcode - vCard Icon * Added: Blog - Content can be added above projects list * Added: Blog - Category Page - Category description or Blog Page Content * Added: Portfolio - Content can be added above projects list * Added: Portfolio - Category Page - Category description or Portfolio Page Content * Added: prettyPhoto - option to disable if you use other plugin * Added: Shop - Header Cart Icon select * Added: Subheader - Option to show/hide * Improved: SSL support for attachment images * Improved: niceScroll - Pages with short content * Improved: Shop - Single Product - H# tags optimization * Improved: Shop - Add to cart shortcode - styles * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6.3 * Plugins: WooCommerce 2.2.8 - compatibility * Demos: Electric, Vet, Loans
* Fixed: Accordion & Tabs - Content save
* Added: Muffin Builder - Option to show/hide builder for everyone * Added: Prettyphoto popup size for iframe video * Fixed: Importer: Minor PHP Fixes * Fixed: Sticky Menu Button on mobile - z-index * Fixed: Visual Editor Item
* Added: One Page Menu with Active on Scroll * Added: Muffin Builder - Insert Shortcode button for textarea fields * Added: Portfolio - Option to show Project Title instead of Hover Icons * Added: Header - Background Attachment - Fixed & Parallax * Added: Shop - List - Product Ratings * Fixed: Accordion, FAQ & Tabs - List styles * Fixed: Hover Box - Hidden Photo size * Fixed: Shop - Checkout - Minor CSS Fixes
* Added: Slider Plugin - Builder Item * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - Custom Marker Icon upload * Added: Social Icons - Option to open link in new window * Added: Sticky Menu Button on mobile * Added: WPML String Translation - Social Icons * Added: WooCommerce - Single Product - prettyPhoto gallery * Updated: Child Theme * Fixed: Sticky Header - Retina Logo * Fixed: Header Below Slider & Layer Slider * Plugins: Compatibility tested Spot.IM WooCommerce - WooCommerce Point of Sale WP Mobile Detect
* Added: 5 & 6 Columns Grid * Added: Social Menu - separated for Header & Footer * Added: Comments for Pages * Added: Logo - Enable/Disable link to homepage * Added: - new markups * Added: Map Item - Additional description * Improved: Clients Item - unified logo size * Fixed: Content WP Item - List style * Fixed: Our Team Item - Circle style in Chrome
* Added: Blog & Portfolio - Ajax Load More * Added: Social Icons - RSS * Added: Portfolio Photo Item - Link to Project Website * Updated: Menu Depth - Increased * Updated: Builder 2 SEO - processing more data
* Added: Dual Sidebars for pages * Added: Social Menu - Can be placed instead of social icons * Added: Accordion & FAQ Item - Open All Tabs at start * Added: Clients Item - Sort options * Added: Portfolio Slider - Navigation arrows - 2 styles * Added: Page Options - Additional Slider field * Added: Google Remarketing code - Theme Options field * Added: Search Results - Title translation * Fixed: Greyscale Effect - Chrome issue * Fixed: Header - z-index
* Added: Greyscale Effect - Blog, Clients, Gallery, Image, Photo Box, Portfolio, Portfolio Grid, Portfolio Photo * Added: Markups * Added: Gallery - Flat Style * Added: Sections - Navigation arrows * Added: Portfolio - Generate random number of loves * Added: Portfolio - Full Width Style for all Layouts * Added: Column Item - Text Align center * Added: Single Post - Show/Hide Title Area * Added: Shop - Catalogue Mode * Added: Shop Cart - Show/Hide header Cart Icon * Added: Shop Page - Products per page option * Added: Shop Product - Wide description style * Added: Shop Product - Show/Hide Related products * Added: WooCommerce 2.2.4 compatibility * Updated: WPML config file
* Added: Portfolio Photo - Builder Item * Added: Column Item - Text Align select * Added: Content Padding - can be disabled for each page * Added: Header Creative - New Social Icons * Added: Footer - Style Fixed * Added: Clients Slider - Shortcode * Added: WooCommerce 2.2.2 compatibility * Updated: Visual Composer - version 4.3.4 * Improved: Portfolio - WPML compatibility * Fixed: Header - z-index * Fixed: Sticky Header - top spacing * Fixed: Shop Slider - iPhone hover
* Added: Visual Composer & Muffin Builder - unified styles for: Accordion, Toggle, FAQ, Tabs, Vertical Tabs * Added: Progress Icons - Shortcode * Added: Hover Color - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Slider Item - Style select * Added: Button Shortcode - onclick attribute * Added: Footer - Sliding style * Added: Theme Options - Excerpt Length * Added: Theme Options - Blog - Hide Comments * Added: Social Icons - Behance, VKontakte * Added: Languages Menu - Smooth Scroll support * Added: Blockquote - Font select * Fixed: Breadcrumbs - Single Portfolio & Blog * Fixed: Minimalist Header - Sticky Header * Fixed: Minor CSS fixes
* Added: Visual Composer - Included * Added: Visual Composer - 28 Exclusive Muffin Builder Items * Added: Image Item & Shortcode - Double link * Fixed: Events Calendar plugin - Title & Breadcrumbs * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.6 * Updated: Translation Files * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data Please notice that some Muffin Builder Items & Attributes closely associated with Sections are not supported by Visual Composer.
* Added: Fancy Divider - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Hover Box - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Fancy Link - Shortcode * Added: Section Divider - Section Options field * Added: Menu Styles - Highlight * Added: Custom JS - Muffin Options field * Added: Force Layout & Sidebar for all pages * Added: Header Creative - Always Open * Added: 2nd Custom Font uploader * Added: Subheader Background image * Added: Section Background - Position Fixed * Fixed: Text Logo * Fixed: Header Creative - Content covering * Fixed: Transparent Subheader * Fixed: Slider Item - Slides count * Updated: Layer Slider - version 5.2.0
* Added: Visual Icon Select for Muffin Builder * Added: Muffin Builder Visibility - depends on roles * Added: Offer Slider Thumb - Builder Item * Added: Testimonials List - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Tooltip with Image - Shortcode * Added: Hide Footer option * Added: Action Bar - Additional Phone Number * Added: Our Team Item - Blockquote & Link fields * Added: Testimonials Item - option to Hide Photos * Added: Muffin Menu Widget - Select Pages Menu or Custom Menu * Added: Countdown Item - labels translation * Added: Main Menu - Align Right option * Fixed: Menu Default Description * Fixed: Header Classic Minimalist - Responsive height * Fixed: RTL - Sumbenu position * Fixed: Events Calendar plugin - Sidebar * Fixed: Testimonials Slider - Sidebar pages style * Updated: Timeline Item - Show date on mobile * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data
* Added: Blog Slider - Shortcode * Added: Portfolio Slider - Shortcode * Added: Shop Slider - Shortcode * Added: Feature List - Target attribute * Added: Photo Box - Text Align option * Portuguese Translation - thanks to Themeforest user marcos12lis * Fixed: Blog Author Filter - show only Administrators, Editors & Authors * Fixed: Blog Slider - Post without image * Fixed: Tabs - minor CSS fix * Fixed: Child Theme - minor fixes * Fixed: Top Bar - Position * Updated: Under Construction - WMPL string translation * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data
* Added: Sidebar Lines - Styles * Added: Blog - Generate random number of loves * Added: Blog - Filter by Author * Added: Footer - background image * Added: Layouts - Subheader background & color * Added: Responsive Menu Button Text - can be used instead menu icon * Fixed: Top Bar - Position * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data
* Added: Accordion, FAQ & Tabs - Shortcodes * Added: Flat Box - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Sliders - Auto & Timeout Options * Added: Nice Scrool - Scroll Speed Option * Added: Main Menu - Descriptions * Added: Muffin Menu Widget - Multilevel with custom depth * Added: Portfolio - Link to Project Website instead of Details * Added: Text Logo - can be used instead of graphic logo * Added: Shop Page - Layout Select * Added: Prev/Next Navigation - Option to show/hide * Added: Hide Footer Widgets Area if there is no widgets * Added: Map Item & Shortcode - more contact details * Fixed: Contact Form 7 - TGM Plugin link * Fixed: Stellar Plugin - Parallax background * Fixed: Minor CSS Fixes * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data
* Added: Layer Slider Included * Added: Header Style - Magazine * Added: How It Works Item - link & target * Added: MailChimp for WordPress plugin compatibility * Updated: Page Title - improved SEO plugins compatibility * Updated: Breadcrumbs - improved SEO plugins compatibility * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.5.95 * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data
* Added: Share This - ssl support * Fixed: Minor code cleanup
* Added: Static CSS - can be used instead of dynamic styles * Added: Custom CSS field in Page Options * Added: Full Screen Section * Added: Transparent Header Style * Added: Transparent Subheader * Added: Clients Slider - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Custom Languages Menu - for those who use plugin different than WPML * Added: Video Item - HTML5 video support * Added: Social Icon - Instagram * Added: Error 404 - Custom Icon * Updated: Muffin Builder - Scroll to element after popup close * Updated: Translation Files - .po/.mo * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Fixed: Promo Box Shortcode - Border * Fixed: Stellar Plugin - Parallax background * Fixed: Admin Bar - minor CSS fixes
* Added: Portfolio - Masonry Flat Style * Added: Force Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Fixed: Section - Video Backgrounds classes
* Added: The Event Calendar plugin compatibility * Added: Envato WordPress Toolkit plugin compatibility * Added: Countdown - Builder Item & Shortcode * Added: Section - Video Backgrounds * Added: Section - Responsive Visibility * Added: Section - Columns without vertical margin * Added: Shop - Header Slider * Added: Blog - Category description * Added: Portfolio - Author change * Added: Single Portfolio - Navigate in the same category * Added: Action Bar - Option to show/hide * Added: Single Post Title - Option to show/hide * Added: Button Shortcode - Font color attribute * Added: Quick Fact - Additional heading * Added: Pricing Item - Image * Fixed: Section - Background Position * Fixed: Info Box Shortcode * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data
* Added: Our Team Item - additional heading * Updated: Muffin Options - Background positions * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data * Fixed: IE9 - Disable Entrance Animations * Fixed: Vertical Tabs
* Added: bbPress Compatibility * Added: Muffin Builder - Import/Export * Added: WooCommerce - Shop & Product Page without sidebar * Updated: Search Result - Layout * Fixed: Mobile Header - Background color * Fixed: Creative Header - Logo height * Fixed: Translations - Added missing translation tags
* Fixed: Buttons - predefined colors * Updated: 1 Click Demo Data
* Added: Creative Header - Vertical Sliding Menu * Added: Mega Menu backgrounds * Added: Nice Scroll - Scrollbar with a very similar ios/mobile style * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.5.6
* Improved: Page Speed optimization * Improved: SSL support * Added: Share Box - shortcode * Added: Section Labels - Muffin Builder feature * Added: Header Search - option to show/hide icon * Added: Header Action Button * Added: Call to Action - button can be used insted of icon * Added: Blog Items - multiple categories select * Added: Portfolio Items - multiple categories select * Updated: Blog - hide comments icon if comments are disabled
* Added: 1 Click Demo Data Install
* Added: Minimalist Header - without background image & padding * Added: Fancy Heading - choose whether you want to use H1 or H2 tag * Added: Clients - Categories * Added: Offer - Categories * Added: Portfolio Item - slider can be placed in the header or content * Added: Portfolio List - random order
* Added: RTL Support * Added: Login Widget * Added: Skype Social Icon * Added: Layout Generator - background image & position * Fixed: Hide Title Area - pages with sidebar
* Fixed: Layouts Generator - Header Style select + 2 new styles * Fixed: Revolution Slider - new Slider & Template Slider button - version 4.5.01
* Added: 2 Header Styles - Below Slider & Fixed * Added: Popup Shortcode - show content in popup window * Added: Blog Item - option to show/hide readmore button * Added: Action Bar - color option * Updated: Revolution Slider - version 4.5 * Fixed: Under Construction Page - Contact Form
* Added: Layouts Generator - for each page you can choose different: grid, layout, header, menu, logo & skin * Added: 960px Grid - for those who prefer narrow pages * Added: Title Area - can be disabled for each page * Added: Admin Icons for Custom Post Types
* Added: Sliding Widgetized Top Area * Added: Custom Font uploader * Added: Sidebar Widget Item - widgets can be used in Muffin Builder * Added: Image Frame: Margin Top option
* Fixed: Header Styles Switch
* Added: 3 New Header Styles * Added: Secondary Header Menu for Stack Header Style * Fixed: Minor code cleanup
* Added: Under Construction Page & Maintenance Mode * Added: Blank Page Template * Added: Header Background - Option in Theme Options * Added: Tags - Single Post * Fixed: Blog Item - Read More translation tag
* Added: BeTheme UI Kit - 18 PSD files * Added: Child Theme * Added: Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin - improved compatibility * Fixed: Theme Skin - seagreen skin * Fixed: Classic Header - background color * Fixed: Entrance Animations - minor fixes
* Added: Entrance Animations * Updated: Minor code cleanup
* Added: Boxed Layout
* Added: Unlimited Menus - you can choose different menus for different pages * Added: Parallax Effect * Added: One Page - with Custom Menu & smooth scroll * Added: Header Featured Image - for Shop Pages * Added: Header Empty - new Header Style