How to speed up my site?

Nowadays, page speed is pretty important factor and have impact on Search Engine Optimization. We did our best to make Betheme as fast as possible. However, not everything depends on us.

In any case, the page loading speed may vary and the reasons might be different. What should you pay attention to?

  • Upload images in size appropriate for the WEB. Avoid using pictures that weigh a lot. Typically, when we use images in content, they weigh up to 150KB, while backgrounds in sliders or sections may weigh even up to 350-500 KB. Please note the larger dimension and better quality you want, and the site will load slower. We strongly recommend passing all images through TinyPNG as this tool will drastically reduce your pictures' size. Using WEBP and SVG extensions for your images is also strongly recommended.
  • Pay attention to 3rd party plugins you use. It is very important not to use too many plugins. The more of them you use, the slower your site might be. Some 3rd party plugins may really decrease page speed loading.
  • Make sure your hosting is fast enough. Some providers do not have a fast enough internet connection, share it between too many users or connection is limited to specific countries that you may not be interested in.
  • When site is finished, enable Static CSS option. Thanks to this option included into theme, all custom declarations will be moved from header to file. Search engines, definitely prefer css declarations in files rather than inline.
  • Use cache stuff. Plugins like W3 Total Cache are especially important if you want to speed up website. However, you should remember that their wrong configuration can bring more harm than good. So, if you have no idea how these types of tools work, it will be better if you get in touch with your web developer.
  • Use Cloudflare. This great tool is especially useful for those who can not use cache plugins. Cloudflare maintains cache of your website and store on various servers all over the world what makes your site faster.
  • Use CDN. Content delivered with CDN service, speed all around the world and additionally it will relieve your server.
  • Use performance options in Theme Options. In version 25.1, we added a new tab in Theme Options which you can use and improve your website speed. We also keep adding new features there.
    Since version 27.0 we recommend applying recommended settings (button at the top of perfromance options)