Blog – Betheme Support Center
Cart, Checkout & Thank you page builder

1 month agoCart, Checkout & Thank you page builder


3 months agoHotspot in BeBuilder

How to set up favicon?

Troubleshoot guide

40x error on BeBuilder update

4 months ago40x error on BeBuilder update

Backdrop Filter

6 months agoBackdrop Filter in BeBuilder


6 months agoBIG UPDATE 27.3 – See What’s New

Open popup on image click

9 months agoHow to open popup on image click?

Single Product Layout Customization

9 months agoHow To Customize WooCommerce Single Product Layout?

One Page

10 months agoHow to create One Page?


10 months agoBIG UPDATE 27.2 – See What’s New

Show & Hide Under breakpoint

11 months ago“Show & Hide Under” in BeBuilder


11 months agoGallery

Open Popup on Click

1 year agoOpen Popup on Link Click

Convert Section to Global

1 year agoConvert Section to Global

BeBuilder hangs on saving – Wordfence WAF

Custom Post Type Slider

1 year agoCustom Post Type Slider built with Query Loops and Dynamic Data

Alternative usage of Icon Box

1 year agoAlternative usage of Icon Box

Sidebar Menu Builder

1 year agoSidebar Menu & Vertical Header Builder

Stretch Wraps

1 year agoStretch Wraps in the BeBuilder

Self Hosted MP4 Video in Popup

1 year agoHow to open self hosted video in popup?


1 year agoAdvanced Custom Fields in Action with BeBuilder

8 Tips & Tricks

1 year ago8 TIPS & TRICKS Which You May Not Have Known So Far

Unexpected Issues After Update

1 year agoUnexpected Issues After Theme Update

Major Performance Update V27

1 year agoMajor Performance Update for BeTheme and BeBuilder

How to activate sticky header

1 year agoHow to activate Sticky Header?

How to use CSS Transform

1 year agoHow to use CSS Transform?

1 year ago5 Things You’re Doing Wrong!

WPML Language Switcher

1 year agoHow to add WPML Language Switcher?

WooCommerce Custom Product Categories

1 year agoHow to Create Custom Product Categories?

Popup Builder for WordPress

1 year agoPopup Builder [Introduction]

Vertical Mega Menu

1 year agoHow to create Vertical Mega Menu?

Do never again use same IDs

1 year agoDO NEVER AGAIN Use Same IDs!

How to build website in 2 hours

1 year agoHow to build website from scratch in 2 hours?

Custom Product Slider WooCommerce

1 year agoHow to create Custom Product Slider? part #2

Error 404 in templates

WordPress 404 Custom Post Type Error

1 year agoWordPress 404 Custom Post Type Error

Custom Product Slider Woo part #1

1 year agoHow to create Custom Product Slider? part #1

Custom Subheader with Dynamic Data

1 year agoCustom Subheader with Dynamic Data

Loop Builder

1 year agoHow to use the Loop Builder? [Introduction]

Dynamic Content

1 year agoDynamic Content in the BeBuilder

How to set up Betheme staging site?


1 year agoHow to import Single Page?


1 year agoWordPress 6.1 Update Issue

Server error 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable


1 year agoGlobal Sections & Wraps


1 year agoSetup Wizard


1 year agoTheme Options in the BeBuilder


1 year agoNew Betheme Dashboard

how to build header like

1 year agoHow to build a header like

menu content overlay

1 year agoMenu Content Overlay


1 year agoFooter Builder


2 years agoBuilding Mega Menus

building mobile headers

2 years agoBuilding Mobile Headers


2 years agoHeader Builder 2.0


2 years agoGoogle Map multiple pins


2 years agoPDF in popup


2 years agoBackground Overlay

2 years agoMask Shapes

How to Create a Custom Mask?


2 years agoTable Of Contents


2 years agoFull Width & Full Screen Videos

order on mobile

2 years agoOrder on Mobile

what deprecated is

2 years agoWhat “Deprecated” is?


2 years agoSticky Sidebars & Elements


2 years agoVisual vs Code Column Text Editor


2 years agoThe Difference Between Margin vs Offset in Bebuilder


2 years agoHow To Overlap Elements in the BeBuilder?


2 years agoWhat Is the Difference Between 3 Types of Wishlist?

2 years agoHow to Set Up Off-Canvas Sidebar for Shop?

2 years agoImprove your workflow with Presets in BeBuilder

How to fix “The link you followed has expired” error?


2 years agoLottie Animation in BeBuilder


2 years agoShape Dividers in BeBuilder


2 years agoEntrance Animations in BeBuilder


2 years agoMeet the BeBuilder

BeBuilder content different from frontend (missing styles)

responsive editing

2 years agoResponsive editing in BeBuilder

flexbox positioning with bebuilder

2 years agoFlexbox positioning in BeBuilder

What “Deprecated” in the BeBuilder means?

How to disable BeBuilder?

Visual vs Code Column

betheme and wpml translation

2 years agoHow to quickly translate your website using WPML?

How to reverse the order of elements on mobile?

woocommerce attribute swatches

2 years agoHow to use WooCommerce Attribute Swatches?


2 years agoHow to create custom template for the Product?


2 years agoHow to create custom template for the Shop?

custom branding

2 years agoHow to rebrand Be and WP Admin with the BeCustom?

Pre-built sections in Muffin Live Builder

2 years agoHow to use pre-built sections in Muffin Live Builder?

Revisions in Muffin Live Builder

2 years agoHow to manage Revisions in Muffin Live Builder?

BeBuilder Blocks vs BeBuilder

how to use muffin live builder

2 years agoHow to use the Muffin Live Builder?

an overview of the Muffin Live Builder

3 years agoAn overview of the new Muffin Live Builder

How can i get back to the old Muffin Builder?

3 years agoAn overview of Muffin Options

muffin builder revisions & backups

3 years agoMuffin Builder Revisions & Backups

new text editor

3 years agoThe New Text Editor with Shortcode Manager

Section Responsive Visibility

3 years agoSection Responsive Visibility

how to import pre-built sections

3 years agoHow to import pre-built sections?

how to use the muffin builder 3

3 years agoHow to use the Muffin Builder 3?

An overview of Muffin Builder 3

3 years agoAn overview of Muffin Builder 3

vertically alignment of content in Muffin Builder 3

3 years agoHow to align content vertically in Muffin Builder 3?

My support period has expired on support forum

how to use font awesome

3 years agoHow to use Font Awesome?

how to display sliders on pages

3 years agoHow to display sliders on pages?

Pagination, Load more & jQuery filtering

Post & Portfolio navigation

how to use layouts

3 years agoHow to use Layouts?

how to set up different menus per pages

3 years agoHow to set up different menus for pages?

How to use Backup & Reset?

workshop custom header #1

3 years agoWorkshop | Custom Header #1

BeBuilder is not showing up?

How to change cart icon in header

3 years agoHow to change the Cart Icon in header?

How to find WordPress page ID or post ID?

multiple pins on map

3 years agoHow to create multiple pins on Google Map?

“Can not get domain name” error

how to import a pre-built slider revolution

3 years agoHow to import pre-built Slider Revolution?

How to change url path in BeBuilder?

How to add custom fonts

3 years agoHow to add custom fonts?

How to create a blog slider

3 years agoHow to create a Blog Slider?

How to create a portfolio slider

3 years agoHow to create a Portfolio Slider?

How to create a clients slider

3 years agoHow to create a Clients Slider?


3 years agoHow to create a Testimonials Slider?

How to create an offer slider

3 years agoHow to create an Offer Slider?

how to use woocommerce with betheme

3 years agoHow to use WooCommerce with Betheme?

how to set up the split menu header style

3 years agoHow to set up the Split Menu Header Style?

How to set up & manage the mobile header

3 years agoHow to set up & manage the mobile header?

how to create & manage a blog page

3 years agoHow to create and manage a Blog Page?

how to manage hooks

3 years agoHow to manage Hooks?

how to use the events calendar

3 years agoHow to use The Events Calendar with Betheme?

how to build forms with contact form 7 and betheme

3 years agoHow to Build Forms with Contact Form 7 & Betheme?

how to customize pre-built sliders

3 years agoHow to Customize Pre-Built Sliders?

how to customize the footer

3 years agoHow to Customize the Footer?

how to set up a child theme with betheme

3 years agoHow to Set Up Child Theme with Betheme?

how to manage footer widgets

3 years agoHow to Manage Footer Widgets?

how to use mega menu feature

3 years agoHow to use Mega Menu?

how to install and update bundled plugins

3 years agoHow to install and update bundled plugins?

how to create sidebars and manage them

3 years agoHow to create sidebars and manage them?

how to create a simple slider

3 years agoHow to create a simple slider?

how to create custom buttons

3 years agoHow to create custom buttons?

Why is the sidebar showing at the bottom?

how to build a custom header

3 years agoHow to build a custom header?

how do i link and anchor on the same page

3 years agoHow do I link an anchor on the same page?

How to display Posts or Portfolio items from a given category?

how to create a page page site

3 years agoHow to create a one-page website?

How to use own slider shortcode?

How to create page with Shop categories list?

How to customize CSS based on screen size?

How to use “Call To Action”?

After updating, make sure to clear all caches

Google Analytics code does not work

how to install and update betheme

3 years agoHow to install & update BeTheme?

YouTube or Vimeo video does not work.

Missing images on pre-built website import

How to change default copyright in footer?

How to activate auto-slide for slider?

How to configure Sliding Top?

Can I use stock images from pre-built website?

How to remove empty space in header?

What is the difference between Simple and Classic global styles?

How to put extra content or banner next to the logo?

Slider Revolution is not showing up on mobile devices

How to translate Betheme into a different language?

How to use page templates?

How to make the footer full width?

how to import pre-built websites

3 years agoHow to import pre-built websites?

How to set background image for header?

How to set language icon in header?

How to display cart icon in header?

purchase code registration

3 years agoWhere to find and register purchase code?

Builder >> SEO

Images in header are not responsive

How to use equal height of wraps?

How to add icons to menu items?

500 Internal Server Error

Menu goes under header, does not fit

How to import/export BeBuilder content?

Video does not play

Custom HTML does not save

How to use custom buttons?

How to display content in popup?

How to create PHPINFO.PHP page?

How to add custom fonts?

Why BeBuilder content does not save?

How to speed up my site?

How to properly modify the theme files?

How to add custom classes and CSS?

Is demo compatible with Elementor?

Icons do not load, CORS issue

How to update Betheme?

How to create simple slider with images?

How to display sidebar above the content on mobile?

How to update plugins bundled into BeTheme?

“oops… Slider with alias [slider-name] not found.” error

Can i use one license for different subdomains?

How to remove “Buy now” button?

How to migrate website?

How to use elements from different demos?

“The package could not be installed. The package contains no files.” error

How to install demo sliders using Revolution Slider?

how to set up the blog and portfolio pages

3 years agoHow to set up the Blog and Portfolio pages?

muffin builder guided tour

3 years agoMuffin Builder Guided Tour

how to use widgets

3 years agoHow to use widgets?

how to use page options

3 years agoHow to use Page Options?

how to use muffin options

3 years agoHow to use Muffin Options?

betheme guided toour

3 years agoBeTheme Guided Tour

“Registration limit exceeded” error

Google Maps not working



how to install betheme via ftp

3 years agoHow to install BeTheme via FTP?

How do I link an anchor on the same page?

How do I get PSD for specific pre-built website?

The theme is missing the style.css stylesheet

Where is my purchase code?

How do I register/de-register license key?

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